
Upcoming Elections |
No Federal Elections Scheduled |
Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommended mailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.
Important information
- What is UOCAVA?
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. UOCAVA citizens are U.S. citizens who are active members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family members and other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The law provides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federal offices.
- What is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?
The FPCA (Federal Standard Form 76) allows UOCAVA citizens to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to update your contact information.
- What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
The FWAB (Federal Standard Form 186) serves as an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your state in time to return it to your election official to participate in the election, use the FWAB.
- What is the Prepaid Mail Label 11- DoD?
Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for general election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to your election official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). Keep part of the tracking label to track your absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service.
- What is a primary election?
A primary election is an election held before the general election to determine the candidates that can be placed on the general election ballot.
- What is a runoff election?
A runoff election is an election held if the state requires that a candidate receive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to a general election or take public office.
- I am an American citizen, but I have never lived in the U.S., can I vote in this state?
A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legal guardian who was last registered in Georgia, is eligible to vote in Georgia.
- I am a National Guardsman activated on state orders; does my state afford me UOCAVA privileges?
- How can I check the status of my ballot?
You can check the status of your absentee ballot here: - Does my state have any online tools?
You can see if your state has any online tools available here:
Registering and requesting your absentee ballot
Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. Be sure to complete a new FPCA each year and every time your address changes.
Complete the following sections of the FPCA
Section 1 |
Select the category that best describes you. |
Section 2 |
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence. |
Section 3 |
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot electronically. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information. |
Section 4 |
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot electronically, you must provide your email address. |
Section 5 |
A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online." |
Section 6 |
Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots. |
Section 7 |
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required. |
- Section 1
Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Georgia driver's license number or Georgia-issued ID number. If you do not have either of these numbers, provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number, Georgia driver's license, or Georgia-issued ID number." - Section 2
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.
- Section 3
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot electronically. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.
- Section 4
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot electronically, you must provide your email address.
- Section 5
A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
B. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party ballot you want to receive. Political party affiliation is not required if requesting an absentee ballot for general elections. - Section 6
Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
- Section 7
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.
How and where to submit your FPCA
You can submit the FPCA by mail, email, or fax. Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at
Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Mail your FPCA directly to your election official.
Email your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Scan the signed FPCA into your computer. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet." Email this package directly to your election official.
Fax your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Fax your FPCA directly to your election official. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet."
To find out the status of your FPCA, contact your election official. Your election official will contact you if your FPCA is not accepted.
Voting your ballot
With your ballot package, you will receive a primary/general election ballot and an instant runoff ballot. Follow the instructions included in your ballot package to vote and return your ballot. The primary/general election ballot must be returned according to the applicable deadlines provided in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the State Primary or General Election. The instant runoff ballot must be returned according to the applicable deadlines for the Primary Runoff or General Runoff. For special federal elections, visit for specific deadlines.
The state absentee ballot must be mailed to your election official. The address of your election official can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section.
Haven't received your ballot? Use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) can be used to register to vote. If you are using the FWAB to register to vote, it must be received by the registration deadline listed in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.
You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, state and local elections, including ballot measures.
Complete the following sections of the FWAB's voter information page
Section 1 |
Select the category that best describes you. |
Section 2 |
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence. |
Section 3 |
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot electronically. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information. |
Section 4 |
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot electronically, you must provide your email address. |
Section 5 |
A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No." |
Section 6 |
Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots. |
Section 7 |
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required. |
- Section 1
Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Georgia driver's license number or Georgia-issued ID number. If you do not have either of these numbers, provide the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number, Georgia driver's license, or Georgia-issued ID number." - Section 2
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.
- Section 3
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot electronically. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.
- Section 4
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot electronically, you must provide your email address.
- Section 5
A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
C. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party primary in which you are voting. Political party affiliation is not required if voting an absentee ballot in general elections. - Section 6
Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
- Section 7
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.
Vote your FWAB
To vote, write in either a candidate's name or political party for each office. You are not required to make a selection for each and every contest.
Vote your primary/general election ballot (sealed in separate “ballot envelope”) with the candidates included in the online assistant. You may also submit a simultaneous second ballot for a possible runoff election (sealed in a second separate “runoff ballot envelope”) using the following Instant Voting Instructions. Instant Voting is only allowed for use in runoff elections where a federal candidate appears on the runoff ballot. When using a FWAB, you should indicate your order of preference on the "Official Backup Ballot" page for each candidate for each office to be voted on in a runoff, by writing the name and offices of candidates you wish to vote for and their rank. Place a numeral "1" next to the name of the candidate who is your first choice, the numeral "2" next to the name of the candidate who is your second choice, and so forth. For more information, visit
Both the primary/general election and runoff ballot envelopes can be mailed in a single outer mailing envelope to your county election office – NOTE: each ballot should include a completed and signed "Voter Information" page.
How and where to submit your FWAB
The FWAB must be mailed to your election official. Addresses can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at
Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fold along the dotted line and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot", do not write on the "Official Ballot" envelope. Insert the sealed "Official Ballot" envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your election official.
Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section or online at
See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the deadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the state absentee ballot after transmitting your voted FWAB, you may also vote and return the state absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline, only the state absentee ballot will be counted.
Local election offices for countySearch Offices
County | Mailing Address |
Appling | Appling Registrar Office 83 SOUTH OAK ST Baxley, GA 31513 Phone: 912-367-8113 Fax: 912-367-5377 Email: SHONDA@APPLINGCO.COM |
Atkinson | Atkinson County Election Superintendent 664 AUSTIN AVENUE EAST, P.O. BOX 1234 Pearson, GA 31642-1234 Phone: 912-422-3003 Fax: 912-422-6710 Email: |
Bacon | Bacon County Election Superintendent 232 West 12th Streer Alma, GA 31510 Phone: 912-632-5551 Fax: 912-632-0232 Email: ARUSSELL@BACONCOUNTY.ORG |
Baker | Baker County Board of Elections P.O. BOX 335, Newton, GA 39870 Phone: 229-734-3019 Fax: 229-734-0889 Email: BD.ELECT@BAKERCOUNTYGA.COM |
Baldwin | Baldwin County Voter Registrar 1601 N COLUMBIA ST SUITE 110 Milledgeville, GA 31061 Phone: 478-445-4526 Fax: 478-445-5756 Email: |
Banks | Banks County Registrars 226 CANDLER STREET Homer, GA 30547 Phone: 706-677-6260 Email: APHAGAN@CO.BANKS.GA.US |
Barrow | Barrow County Board of Elections and Registration 233 E. BROAD STREET Winder, GA 30680 Phone: 770-307-3110 Fax: 770-307-1054 Email: MFRANKLIN@BARROWGA.ORG |
Bartow | Bartow County Elections and Voter Registration 135 WEST CHEROKEE AVENUE, BOX 106, 1300 Joe Frank Harris Parkway Cartersville, GA 30120-3182 Phone: 770-387-5098 Fax: 770-606-2245 Email: |
Ben Hill | Ben Hill Board of Elections and Voter Registration 602 S GRANT ST Fitzgerald, GA 31750 Phone: 229-922-0266 Phone: (229) 426-5151 Fax: 229-922-0314 Email: CINDI.DUNLAP@BENHILLCOUNTY-GA.GOV |
Berrien | Berrien County Board of Elections and Registration 201 N. DAVIS ST. ROOM 146 Nashville, GA 31639 Phone: 229-686-6160 Fax: 229-686-9495 Email: |
Bibb | Bibb County Board of Elections 3661 Eisenhower Parkway Suite MB101 Macon, GA 31206 Phone: 478-621-6622 Fax: 478-621-6119 Email: |
Bleckley | Bleckley County Chief Registrar 112 NORTH SECOND ST COURTHOUSE ANNEX Cochran, GA 31014 Phone: 478-934-3200 Fax: 478-298-6830 Email: |
Brantley | Brantley County Board of Elections and Registrations 10305 NORTH MAIN STREET SUITE 400 Nahunta, GA 31553-0326 Phone: 912-462-6159 Fax: 912-462-6197 Email: BCELECTIONS@BTCONLINE.NET |
Brooks | Brooks County Election Supervisor 610 S. HIGHLAND RD Quitman, GA 31643-0665 Phone: 229-263-9939 Fax: 229-263-5372 Email: |
Bryan | Bryan County Voter Registration 6024 US Highway 280 E Pembroke, GA 31321 Phone: 912-653-3859 Fax: 912-653-3895 Email: |
Bulloch | Bulloch County Board of Elections 113 NORTH MAIN STREET STE 201 Statesboro, GA 30458 Phone: 912-764-6502 Fax: 912-764-8167 Email: |
Burke | Burke County Board of Elections and Registration 602 North Liberty Street Waynesboro, GA 30830 Phone: 706-554-7457 Fax: 706-554-8764 Email: |
Butts | Butts County Board of Elections and Registration 625 WEST THIRD STREET suite 5 Jackson, GA 30233 Phone: 770-775-8202 Fax: 770-775-2765 Email: BSCHREINER@BUTTSCOUNTY.ORG |
Calhoun | Calhoun County Election Superintendent 31 Court Street Suite F, P.O. Box 101 Morgan, GA 39846 Phone: 229-849-2972 Fax: 229-849-0071 Email: |
Camden | Camden County Election Superintendent 200 East 4th Street Woodbine, GA 31569 Phone: 912-576-3245 Fax: 912-576-8176 Email: SNETTLES@CO.CAMDEN.GA.US |
Candler | Candler County Board of Registration 35 SW BROAD STREET SUITE B Metter, GA 30439 Phone: 912-685-6687 Fax: 912-685-5130 Email: |
Carroll | Carroll County Election and Registration Supervisor 997 Newnan Road Carrollton, GA 30112 Phone: 770-830-5823 Email: |
Catoosa | Catoosa County Board of Elections and Registration 5238 EVITT STREET Ringgold, GA 30736-2301 Phone: 706-935-3990 Fax: 706-935-2538 Email: TONYA.MOORE@CATOOSA.COM |
Charlton | Charlton County Board of Elections and Registration 1520 THIRD STREET, SUITE C Folkston, GA 31537-8961 Phone: 912-496-2607 Fax: 912-496-2608 Email: |
Chatham | Chatham County Voter Registration 1117 EISENHOWER DR. SUITE E Savannah, GA 31406 Phone: 912-790-1520 Fax: 912-790-1519 Email: |
Chattahoochee | Chattahoochee County Chief Deputy Registrar 215 MCNAUGHTON ST Cusseta, GA 31805 Phone: 706-989-3249 Fax: 706-989-2013 Email: |
Chattooga | Chattooga County Registrar 10017 Commerce Street Summerville, GA 30747-0165 Phone: 706-857-0739 Fax: 706-857-6426 Email: |
Cherokee | Cherokee County Elections & Registration 193 Lamar Haley Pkwy Canton, GA 30114 Phone: 770-479-0407 Fax: 678-493-4703 Email: |
Clarke | Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections 155 East Washington Street Athens, GA 30601 Phone: 706-613-3150 Fax: 706-613-3840 Email: CHARLOTTE.SOSEBEE@ACCGOV.COM |
Clay | Clay County Election Superintendent 210 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET SUITE 4 Fort Gaines, GA 39851 Phone: 229-768-2443 Fax: 229-768-2445 Email: |
Clayton | Clayton County Board of Elections and Registration 121 SOUTH MCDONOUGH STREET Jonesboro, GA 30236 Phone: 770-477-3372 Phone: 770-472-8064 Fax: 770-477-4521 Email: Email: |
Clinch | Clinch County Board of Elections and Registration 25 COURT SQ. SUITE A Homerville, GA 31634 Phone: 912-487-3656 Fax: 912-487-5162 Email: |
Cobb | Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration 995 Roswell Street Northeast Marietta, GA 30061-0649 Phone: 770-528-2581 Fax: 770-528-1193 Email: |
Coffee | Coffee County Elections and Registration 321 South Pearl Ave Douglas, GA 31533 Phone: 912-384-7018 Email: RACHEL.ROBERTS@COFFEECOUNTY-GA.GOV |
Colquitt | Colquitt County Board of Registrars 101 EAST CENTRAL AVE RM 133 Moultrie, GA 31788 Phone: 229-616-7056 Fax: 229-616-7058 Email: |
Columbia | Columbia County Board of Elections 610 Ronald Reagan Drive Evans, GA 30809-0919 Phone: 706-868-3355 Fax: 706-868-3358 Email: NGAY@COLUMBIACOUNTYGA.GOV |
Cook | Cook County Board of Elections and Registration 1200 S HUTCHINSON AVE Adel, GA 31620 Phone: 229-896-7925 Fax: 229-896-1194 Email: |
Coweta | Coweta County Election Superintendent 87 Newton Station Drive Suite 400 Newnan, GA 30265 Phone: 770-254-2615 Fax: 770-683-2800 Email: AGAY@COWETA.GA.US |
Crawford | Crawford County Board of Elections 640 GA HWY 128 Suite 124 Roberta, GA 31078-0739 Phone: 478-836-1877 Fax: 478-836-1879 Email: |
Crisp | Crisp County Election Supervisor 210 SOUTH 7TH STREET 103 Cordele, GA 31015 Phone: 229-276-2611 Fax: 229-276-2735 Email: PERKINSB@CRISPCOUNTY.COM |
Dade | Dade County Board of Elections and Registration 71 CASE AVE Trenton, GA 30752-0152 Phone: 706-657-8170 Fax: 706-657-2048 Email: TVAUGHAN@DADECOUNTY-GA.GOV |
Dawson | Dawson County Election Supervisor 98 ACADEMY AVENUE Dawsonville, GA 30534-0436 Phone: 706-344-3640 Fax: 706-344-3642 Email: GFERGUSON@DAWSONCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Decatur | Decatur County Board of Elections 122 West Water Street Bainbridge, GA 39818-7428 Email: |
DeKalb | DeKalb County Board of Registration and Elections 4380 MEMORIAL DRIVE SUITE 300 Decatur, GA 30032 Phone: 404-298-4020 Fax: 404-298-4038 Email: |
Dodge | Dodge County Elections Office 5016 COURTHOUSE CIR Eastman, GA 31023-1505 Phone: 478-374-8123 Fax: 478-374-8124 Email: |
Dooly | Dooly County Election & Registration 402 HAWKINSVILLE ROAD Vienna, GA 31092-0304 Phone: 229-268-9023 Fax: 229-268-9325 Email: DOOLY.COUNTY.ELECTIONS@GMAIL.COM |
Dougherty | Dougherty County Election Supervisor 222 PINE AVENUE, SUITE 240 Albany, GA 31701 Phone: 229-431-3247 Fax: 229-438-3975 Email: |
Douglas | Douglas County Voter Registration 8700 HOSPITAL DRIVE Douglasville, GA 30134-2264 Phone: 770-920-7412 Fax: 770-920-7410 Email: |
Early | Early County Board of Registrars 17 MCDONALD AVE. Blakely, GA 39823 Phone: 229-723-4522 Fax: 229-723-4532 Email: ELECTIONS@EARLYCOUNTY.ORG |
Echols | Echols County Election Superintendent P.O. BOX 337 Statenville, GA 31648 Phone: 229-559-0230 Email: |
Effingham | Effingham County Board of Elections and Registration 284 GA HIGHWAY 119 S Springfield, GA 31329 Phone: 912-754-8030 Fax: 912-754-8408 Email: |
Elbert | Elbert County Board of Registrars 45 FOREST AVE Elberton, GA 30635-1807 Phone: 706-283-2012 Fax: 706-283-0216 Email: |
Emanuel | Emanuel County Elections and Registration 105 S MAIN ST Swainsboro, GA 30401 Phone: 478-237-3471 Fax: 478-237-5998 Email: |
Evans | Evans County Board of Registrars 201 Freeman Street Suite 10 Claxton, GA 30417 Phone: 912-739-0708 Fax: 912-739-4425 Email: |
Fannin | Fannin County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 400 WEST MAIN STREET SUITE 301 Blue Ridge, GA 30513-8593 Phone: 706-632-7740 Fax: 706-258-5164 Email: |
Fayette | Fayette County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 175 Johnson Ave, Suite B Fayetteville, GA 30214 Phone: 770-305-5308 Fax: 770-719-5562 Email: |
Floyd | Floyd County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 18 EAST 12TH STREET Rome, GA 30161-9313 Phone: 706-291-5167 Fax: 706-233-0019 Email: |
Forsyth | Forsyth County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1201 SAWNEE DRIVE Cumming, GA 30040 Phone: 770-781-2118 Fax: 770-886-2825 Email: |
Franklin | Franklin County Elections and Registration Office 825 Hull Ave Carnesville, GA 30521 Phone: 706-384-4390 Fax: 706-384-3506 Email: |
Fulton | Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections 5600 Campbellton Fairburn Road Union City, GA 30213 Phone: 404-612-3816 Fax: 404-612-3697 Email: |
Gilmer | Gilmer County Board of Voter Registration 1 BROAD ST STE 107 Ellijay, GA 30540 Phone: 706-635-4617 Fax: 706-635-4647 Email: REGISTRAR@GILMERCOUNTY-GA.GOV |
Glascock | Glascock County Board of Registrars 676 West Main Street Gibson, GA 30810-0068 Phone: 706-598-2811 Fax: 706-598-3638 Email: |
Glynn | Glynn County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1709 Gloucester Street Brunswick, GA 31520 Phone: 912-554-7060 Fax: 888-870-1374 Email: CCHANNELL@GLYNNCOUNTY-GA.GOV |
Gordon | Gordon County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 100 South Wall Street Calhoun, GA 30701 Phone: 706-629-7781 Fax: 706-629-7198 Email: |
Grady | Grady County Board of Registrars 250 N BROAD ST Suite 3 Cairo, GA 39828 Phone: 229-377-1897 Fax: 229-377-4127 Email: |
Greene | Greene County Board of Elections and Registration 1180 C. WELDON SMITH DR. SUITE 109 Greensboro, GA 30642 Phone: 706-453-1108 Fax: 706-453-9438 Email: |
Gwinnett | Gwinnett County Voter Registration and Elections 455 GRAYSON HWY 200 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Phone: 678-226-7210 Fax: 678-226-7208 Email: |
Habersham | Habersham County Elections & Registration 403 Habersham County Shopping Center Cornelia, GA 30531 Phone: 706-839-0170 Fax: 706-754-5836 Email: LELLISON@HABERSHAMGA.COM |
Hall | Hall County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 2875 Browns Bridge Road Lower Level Gainesville, GA 30501 Phone: 678-696-2502 Fax: 770-531-3931 Email: |
Hancock | Hancock County Board of Registrars 9091 EAST Broad Street, P.O. Box 118 Sparta, GA 31087 Phone: 706-998-0345 Fax: 706-444-0989 Email: |
Haralson | Haralson County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 4485 GEORGIA HIGHWAY 120 Buchanan, GA 30113 Phone: 770-646-2010 Fax: 770-646-1523 Email: |
Harris | Harris County Board of Elections and Voter Registration P.O. BOX 123 Hamilton, GA 31811-0123 Phone: 706-628-5210 Fax: 706-628-4223 Email: SJARRETT@HARRISCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Hart | Hart County Board of Registrars 182 Cade Street Suite B Hartwell, GA 30643 Phone: 706-376-8911 Fax: 706-376-1694 Email: RWEBB@HARTCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Heard | Heard County Board of Registrars 215 East Court Square Franklin, GA 30217-0427 Phone: 706-675-3907 Fax: 706-675-2134 Email: TADAMS@HEARDCOUNTYGA.COM |
Henry | Henry County Elections and Registration 1550 South Zack Hinton Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Phone: 770-288-6448 Fax: 770-288-6468 Email: |
Houston | Houston County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 2030 KINGS CHAPEL RD Perry, GA 31069-0945 Phone: 478-987-1973 Fax: 478-988-0699 Email: |
Irwin | Irwin County Board of Elections & Registration 255 East 4th Street Ocilla, GA 31774 Phone: 229-468-0081 Fax: 229-468-0089 Email: |
Jackson | Jackson County Voter Registration 441 GORDON STREET Jefferson, GA 30549 Phone: 706-367-6377 Fax: 706-367-1193 Email: JELOGAN@JACKSONCOUNTYGOV.COM |
Jasper | Jasper County Board of Registrars 126 W GREENE ST SUITE 3 Monticello, GA 31064-1199 Phone: 706-468-4908 Fax: 706-468-1485 Email: |
Jeff Davis | Jeff DavisCounty Board of Elections & Registrars 14 JEFF DAVIS STREET SUITE 107 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 Phone: 912-375-6635 Fax: 912-379-0340 Email: JEFFDAVISELECTIONS@GMAIL.COM |
Jefferson | Jefferson County Board of Registrars 415 GREEN STREET Louisville, GA 30434 Phone: 478-625-8357 Fax: 478-625-7124 Email: SGRAY@JEFFERSONCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Jenkins | Jenkins County Board of Registrars 611 EAST WINTHROPE AVENUE Millen, GA 30442 Phone: 478-982-3985 Fax: 478-982-4380 Email: |
Johnson | Johnson County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 2484 West Elm Street Wrightsville, GA 31096-0255 Phone: 478-864-4019 Fax: 478-864-2019 Email: DKILLINGSWORTH@JOHNSONCO.ORG |
Jones | Jones County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 166 Industrial Blvd Suite 102 Gray, GA 31032-1417 Phone: 478-986-3222 Fax: 478-986-9682 Email: |
Lamar | Lamar County Board of Elections and Registration Office 790 Veterans Parkway Barnesville, GA 30204 Phone: 770-358-5235 Fax: 770-358-5445 Email: |
Lanier | Lanier County Board of Registrars 162 West Thigpen Avenue Suite C Lakeland, GA 31635 Phone: 229-363-9260 Email: ELECTIONS@LANIERCOUNTYBOC.COM |
Laurens | Laurens County Board of Registrars P.O. BOX 2130 Dublin, GA 31040 Phone: 478-272-2841 Fax: 478-277-2933 Email: |
Lee | Lee County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 100 Starksville Avenue North Suite C Leesburg, GA 31763-0326 Phone: 229-759-6002 Fax: 229-759-3348 Email: VJOHNSON@LEE.GA.US |
Liberty | Liberty County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 100 MAIN North ST SUITE 1600 Hinesville, GA 31313 Phone: 912-876-3310 Fax: 912-876-2538 Email: RONDA.WALTHOUR@LIBERTYCOUNTYGA.COM |
Lincoln | Lincoln County Board of Elections 160 MAY AVENUE Lincolnton, GA 30817-1419 Phone: 706-359-6126 Fax: 706-359-7396 Email: |
Long | Long County Elections and Registrar P.O. BOX 669, Ludowici, GA 31316 Phone: 912-545-2234 Fax: 912-302-4242 Email: CSNELL@LONGCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Lowndes | Lowndes County Board of Elections 2808 North Oak Street Valdosta, GA 31604 Phone: 229-671-2850 Fax: 229-333-5199 Email: DCOX@LOWNDESCOUNTY.COM |
Lumpkin | Lumpkin County Election and Voter Registration Office 56 SHORT STREET Dahlonega, GA 30533 Phone: 706-864-6279 Fax: 706-864-0731 Email: |
Macon | Macon County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 100 MACON ST. Macon County Annex Oglethorpe, GA 31068 Phone: 478-472-8520 Fax: 478-472-8522 Email: TRILEY@MACONCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Madison | Madison County Board of Elections & Registration 20 Albany Avenue Danielsville, GA 30633 Phone: 706-795-6335 Fax: 706-795-2233 Email: TDEAN@MADISONCO.US |
Marion | Marion County Board of Elections and Registration 100 E BURKHALTER AVE Buena Vista, GA 31803-0444 Phone: 229-649-9838 Fax: 229-649-3928 Email: MARIONCOUNTYELECT@GMAIL.COM |
McDuffie | McDuffie County Board of Elections and Registration 337 MAIN ST SUITE 101 Thomson, GA 30824-0600 Phone: 706-595-2105 Fax: 706-595-0460 Email: PHYLLIS.BROOKS@THOMSON-MCDUFFIE.GOV |
McIntosh | McIntosh County Board of Elections and Registrations 103 JEFFERSON STREET, P.O. BOX 1987 Darien, GA 31305-0571 Phone: 912-437-6605 Fax: 912-437-5041 Email: |
Meriwether | Meriwether County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 137 South Court Square Greenville, GA 30222 Phone: 706-672-9433 Fax: 706-672-9584 Email: |
Miller | Miller County Board of Registrars 155 S. 1ST STREET, SUITE 113 Colquitt, GA 39837 Phone: 229-758-4118 Fax: 229-758-8133 Email: |
Mitchell | Mitchell County Board of Registrars 32 COURT AVE Camilla, GA 31730 Phone: 229-336-2018 Fax: 229-336-4928 Email: |
Monroe | Monroe County Board of Elections and Registration 38 West Main Street Forsyth, GA 31029 Phone: 478-994-7622 Fax: 478-994-7624 Email: KWARREN@MONROECOGA.ORG |
Montgomery | Montgomery County Board of Registrars 251 South Richardson Street Mount Vernon, GA 30445 Phone: 912-583-4296 Fax: 912-583-4343 Email: |
Morgan | Morgan County Board of Elections and Registration 237 NORTH 2ND STREET Madison, GA 30650 Phone: 706-343-6311 Fax: 706-343-6496 Email: JDORAN@MORGANCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Murray | Murray County Board of Elections and Registration 121 North 4th Avenue Chatsworth, GA 30705-1015 Phone: 706-695-1983 Fax: 706-695-9755 Email: |
Muscogee | Muscogee County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 3111 Citizens Way Columbus, GA 31906 Phone: 706-653-4392 Fax: 706-225-4394 Email: |
Newton | Newton County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1113 USHER STREET SW SUITE 103, Covington, GA 30015-1274 Phone: 770-784-2055 Fax: 770-784-2057 Email: |
Oconee | Oconee County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 7635 Macon Hwy Suite 200 Watkinsville, GA 30677 Phone: 706-769-3958 Fax: 706-310-3486 Email: |
Oglethorpe | Oglethorpe County Board of Elections and Registration 41 FAIRGROUND ROAD, P.O. Box 190 Lexington, GA 30648 Phone: 706-743-8954 Fax: 706-920-2863 Email: MWALLER@OGLETHORPECOUNTYGA.GOV |
Paulding | Paulding County Board of Elections and Registration 240 CONSTITUTION BLVD 1ST FLOOR WATSON GOVERNMENT COMPLEX Dallas, GA 30132 Phone: 678-224-4047 Fax: 678-224-4447 Email: |
Peach | Peach County Board of Elections and Registration 205 WEST CHURCH SUITE 102, Fort Valley, GA 31030-0853 Phone: 478-825-3514 Fax: 478-825-2187 Email: ADRIENNE-RAY@PEACHCOUNTY.NET |
Pickens | Pickens County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 3100 CAMP RD SUITE B Jasper, GA 30143 Phone: 706-253-8781 Fax: 706-253-8782 Email: |
Pierce | Pierce County Board of Elections and Registration 312 NICHOLS ST. SUITE 2 Blackshear, GA 31516 Phone: 912-449-2028 Fax: 912-807-9940 Email: |
Pike | Pike County Board of Elections and Registrars 81 Jackson Zebulon, GA 30295 Phone: 770-567-2003 Fax: 770-567-7280 Email: DNEYHART@PIKECOGA.COM |
Polk | Polk County Board of Elections and Registration 144 WEST AVENUE D Cedartown, GA 30125 Phone: 770-749-2103 Fax: 770-749-2194 Email: NBECK@POLKGA.ORG |
Pulaski | Pulaski County Board of Elections 45 SOUTH LUMPKIN STREET Suite 113 Hawkinsville, GA 31036 Phone: 478-636-9194 Email: |
Putnam | Putnam County Board of Elections and Registration 117 PUTNAM DR SUITE D Eatonton, GA 31024 Phone: 706-485-8683 Fax: 706-485-9684 Email: |
Quitman | Quitman County Board of Registrars 46 Old School Road Georgetown, GA 39854 Phone: 229-234-3123 Fax: 229-234-3240 Email: |
Rabun | Rabun County Board of Elections and Registration 184 S. MAIN ST. SUITE 102 C Clayton, GA 30525 Phone: 706-782-1878 Fax: 706-782-3754 Email: TWHITMIRE@RABUNCOUNTY.GA.GOV |
Randolph | Randolph County Board of Registrars 93 Front Street Suite 112 Cuthbert, GA 39840 Phone: 229-732-5220 Fax: 229-732-3616 Email: VOTE@BOERANDOLPHCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Richmond | Richmond County Board of Elections 535 TELFAIR STREET SUITE 500, Augusta, GA 30901 Phone: 706-821-2340 Fax: 706-821-2814 Email: |
Rockdale | Rockdale County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1115 WEST AVE SW Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 770-278-7333 Fax: 770-278-8946 Email: |
Schley | Schley County Board of Registrars 47 North Pecan Street Ellaville, GA 31806-0385 Phone: 229-937-2689 Fax: 229-937-5010 Email: |
Screven | Screven County Board of Registrars 216 MIMS ROAD RM 114 Sylvania, GA 30467-2026 Phone: 912-564-2153 Fax: 912-564-5617 Email: |
Seminole | Seminole County Board of Registrars 200 SOUTH KNOX AVENUE Donalsonville, GA 39845 Phone: 229-524-5256 Fax: 229-524-8644 Email: |
Spalding | Spalding County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 825 Memorial Drive Griffin, GA 30223 Phone: 770-467-4245 Email: |
Stephens | Stephens County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 37 W TUGALO Street Toccoa, GA 30577 Phone: 706-886-8954 Fax: 706-886-2185 Email: |
Stewart | Stewart County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1764 BROAD STREET Lumpkin, GA 31815 Phone: 229-838-6220 Fax: 229-838-4489 Email: |
Sumter | Sumter County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 500 WEST LAMAR STREET SUITE 140 Americus, GA 31709-1263 Phone: 229-928-4580 Fax: 229-928-4589 Email: |
Talbot | Talbot County Board of Elections & Registration 1761 Geneva Highway Talbotton, GA 31827 Phone: 706-665-8270 Fax: 706-665-2152 Email: |
Taliaferro | Taliaferro County Board of Registrars P.O.Box 9 Crawfordville, GA 30631-0009 Phone: 706-456-3563 Fax: 706-456-2904 Email: |
Tattnall | Tattnall County Board of Elections and Voter Registration P.O. BOX 1098 Reidsville, GA 30453 Phone: 912-557-6417 Fax: 912-557-3005 Email: |
Taylor | Taylor County Board of Registrars 1B Ivy Street Butler, GA 31006 Phone: 478-862-3997 Fax: 478-862-3992 Email: VOTETAYLORGA@GMAIL.COM |
Telfair | Telfair County Board of Registrars 91 TELFAIR AVE ANNEX BLDG 3 McRae Helena, GA 31055 Phone: 229-868-2023 Fax: 229-868-2266 Email: |
Terrell | Terrell County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 955 Forrester Drive Southeast Dawson, GA 39842 Phone: 229-995-5066 Fax: 229-995-6537 Email: |
Thomas | Thomas County Board of Elections 1402 East Jackson Street Thomasville, GA 31792 Phone: 229-225-4101 Fax: 229-225-3133 Email: FRANK.SCOGGINS@THOMASCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Tift | Tift County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 222 Chesnutt Ave Build,B Tifton, GA 31794 Phone: 229-386-7915 Fax: 229-386-7996 Email: |
Toombs | Toombs County Board of Election and Registration 100 Courthouse Sq., Ste. 112 Lyons, GA 30436-1370 Phone: 912-526-8226 Fax: 912-526-9420 Email: CACHENBACH.TOOMBS.ELECTIONS@GMAIL.COM |
Towns | Towns County Board of Registrars 67 LAKEVIEW CIRCLE SUITE A Hiawassee, GA 30546 Phone: 706-896-4353 Fax: 706-896-2689 Email: TCELECTIONS@TOWNSCOUNTYGA.COM |
Treutlen | Treutlen County Board of Registrars 650 SECOND STREET SUITE 104 Soperton, GA 30457 Phone: 912-529-3098 Fax: 912-529-3262 Email: |
Troup | Troup County Board of Elections and Registration 301 Morgan Street, 100 Ridley Ave LaGrange, GA 30240 Phone: 706-883-1745 Fax: 706-883-1692 Email: |
Turner | Turner County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1807 US HIGHWAY 41 NORTH Sycamore, GA 31790 Phone: 229-567-2909 Fax: 229-567-9624 Email: JWINTER@TURNERCOUNTYGEORGIA.COM |
Twiggs | Twiggs County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 425 Railroad Street North Room 123 Jeffersonville, GA 31044 Phone: 478-945-3639 Fax: 478-945-3477 Email: |
Union | Union County Board of Registrars 65 COURTHOUSE ST SUITE 9 Blairsville, GA 30512 Phone: 706-439-6016 Fax: 706-439-6015 Email: |
Upson | Upson County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 305 S. HIGHTOWER ST. Room 130 Thomaston, GA 30286 Phone: 706-647-6259 Fax: 706-646-3168 Email: |
Walker | Walker County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 103 S DUKE STREET Room 110 LaFayette, GA 30728 Phone: 706-638-4349 Fax: 706-639-3346 Email: ELECTIONS@WALKERGA.US |
Walton | Walton County Board of Elections and Registration 1110 East Spring Street Suite 100 Monroe, GA 30655 Phone: 770-267-1337 Fax: 770-267-1408 Email: |
Ware | Ware County Board of Elections and Registration 408 TEBEAU ST Waycross, GA 31501 Phone: 912-287-4363 Fax: 912-287-4364 Email: CNELSON@WARECOUNTY.COM |
Warren | Warren County Board of Registrars 48 Warren Street Warrenton, GA 30828 Phone: 706-465-1993 Fax: 706-465-2576 Email: |
Washington | Washington County Board of Elections and Registration 150 RIDDLEVILLE ROAD Sandersville, GA 31082 Phone: 478-552-5239 Fax: 478-209-1300 Email: CLHAGANS@WASHINGTONCOUNTYGA.GOV |
Wayne | Wayne County Board of Registrars 174 North Brunswick Street Jesup, GA 31546 Phone: 912-427-5950 Fax: 912-588-0184 Email: |
Webster | Webster County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 40 Cemetery Road Preston, GA 31824-0029 Phone: 229-828-5775 Fax: 229-828-2105 Email: |
Wheeler | Wheeler County Board of Registrars 16 W FOREST AVE SUITE 101B Alamo, GA 30411 Phone: 912-568-0095 Fax: 912-568-0097 Email: |
White | White County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 1241 Helen Highway SUITE 210 - A Cleveland, GA 30528 Phone: 706-865-7812 Fax: 706-219-1511 Email: |
Whitfield | Whitfield County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 205 NORTH SELVIDGE STREET SUITE K Dalton, GA 30720 Phone: 706-278-7183 Fax: 706-226-0792 Email: |
Wilcox | Wilcox County Board of Registrars 239 Gordon Street Rochelle, GA 31079 Phone: 229-467-2111 Fax: 229-467-2115 Email: |
Wilkes | Wilkes County Board of Registrars 23 COURT STREET Room 113 Washington, GA 30673 Phone: 706-678-1850 Fax: 706-678-4854 Email: |
Wilkinson | Wilkinson County Board of Elections and Registration 101 Bacon Street Room 133 Irwinton, GA 31042-0186 Phone: 478-946-2188 Fax: 478-946-4388 Email: |
Worth | Worth County Board of Elections and Voter Registration 201 N MAIN ST ROOM 10 Sylvester, GA 31791 Phone: 229-776-8208 Fax: 229-776-8258 Email: WCBOE.SUPERVISOR@GMAIL.COM |