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Upcoming Elections

No Federal Elections Scheduled

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommended mailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information

What is UOCAVA?

The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. UOCAVA citizens are U.S. citizens who are active members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family members and other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The law provides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federal offices.

What is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?

The FPCA (Federal Standard Form 76) allows UOCAVA citizens to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to update your contact information.

What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FWAB (Federal Standard Form 186) serves as an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your state in time to return it to your election official to participate in the election, use the FWAB.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label 11- DoD?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for general election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to your election official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). Keep part of the tracking label to track your absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service.

What is a primary election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election to determine the candidates that can be placed on the general election ballot.

I am an American citizen, but I have never lived in the U.S., can I vote in this state?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S., and has a parent who was last domiciled in Minnesota, is eligible to vote as a "federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am a National Guardsman activated on state orders; does my state afford me UOCAVA privileges?


How can I check the status of my ballot?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

Does my state have any online tools?

You can see if your state has any online tools available here:

Registering and requesting your absentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. Be sure to complete a new FPCA each year and every time your address changes.

Complete the following sections of the FPCA

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Minnesota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have access to any of these numbers, leave this section blank.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
B. Political party is not required.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Minnesota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have access to any of these numbers, leave this section blank.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
B. Political party is not required.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by mail, email, or fax. Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at FVAP.gov.

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Mail your FPCA directly to your election official.

Email your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Scan the signed FPCA into your computer. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet." Email this package directly to your election official.

Fax your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Fax your FPCA directly to your election official. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet."

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact your election official. Your election official will contact you if your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from your state it must be postmarked and returned according to the deadlines provided in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart. For special federal elections, visit FVAP.gov for specific deadlines.

The state absentee ballot must be mailed to your election official. The address of your election official can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot? Use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot

You can use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) to register to vote. If you are using the FWAB to register to vote, it must be received by the registration deadline listed in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

U.S. citizens residing outside the United States whose return is not certain and U.S. citizens who have never resided in the United States can use the FWAB to vote in all elections for federal office.

All other UOCAVA voters can use the FWAB to vote in all elections for federal, state and local offices, including ballot measures.

Complete the following sections of the FWAB's voter information page

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Minnesota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have access to any of these numbers, leave this section blank.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
C. Political party is not required.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Minnesota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have access to any of these numbers, leave this section blank.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
C. Political party is not required.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Vote your FWAB

To vote for a federal office, write in either a candidate's name or political party for each office. To vote for a state or local office, write in a candidate's name. You are not required to make a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB must be mailed to your election official. Addresses can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at FVAP.gov.

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fold along the dotted line and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot", do not write on the "Official Ballot" envelope. Insert the sealed "Official Ballot" envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section or online at FVAP.gov.

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the deadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the state absentee ballot after transmitting your voted FWAB, you may also vote and return the state absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline, only the state absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for countySearch Offices

County Mailing Address
Aitkin Aitkin County Auditor
307 2nd Street NW
Aitkin, MN 56431
Phone: (218) 927-7354
Fax: (218) 927-7324
Anoka Anoka County Elections
2100 3rd Ave, Ste 160
Anoka, MN 55303-5031
Phone: (763) 324-1300
Fax: (763) 324-1160
Becker Becker County Courthouse
915 Lake Ave
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-3403
Phone: (218) 846-7311
Fax: (218) 846-7257
Beltrami Beltrami County Auditor
701 Minnesota Ave NW, Ste 220
Bemidji, MN 56601-3178
Phone: (218) 333-8448
Fax: (218) 333-4246
Benton Benton County Auditor-Treasurer's Office
531 Dewey St, PO Box 129
Foley, MN 56329-0129
Phone: (320) 968-5006
Fax: (320) 968-5337
Big Stone Big Stone County Auditor
20 2nd St SE, Ste 103
Ortonville, MN 56278-1544
Phone: (320) 839-6366
Fax: (320) 839-6370
Blue Earth Blue Earth County Elections
204 S 5th St, PO Box 3567
Mankato, MN 56002-3567
Phone: (507) 304-4341
Fax: (507) 304-4075
Brown Brown County Courthouse
14 South State St, PO Box 115
New Ulm, MN 56073-0115
Phone: (507) 233-6617
Fax: (507) 359-1430
Carlton Carlton County Auditor
301 Walnut Ave, PO Box 130
Carlton, MN 55718-0130
Phone: (218) 384-9127
Fax: (218) 384-9116
Carver Carver County Government Center - Administration Bldg
600 E Fourth St
Chaska, MN 55318-2102
Phone: (952) 361-1941
Fax: (952) 361-1566
Cass Cass County Auditor-Treasurer's Office
303 Minnesota Ave W, PO Box 3000
Walker, MN 56484-3000
Phone: (218) 547-7260
Fax: (218) 547-7278
Chippewa Chippewa County Courthouse
629 N 11th St
Montevideo, MN 56265-1652
Phone: (320) 269-7447
Fax: (320) 269-7412
Chisago Chisago County Gov Center
313 N Main St, Rm 271
Center City, MN 55012-7656
Phone: (651) 213-8500
Fax: (651) 213-8510
Clay Clay County Courthouse
3510 12th Ave S, PO Box 280
Moorhead, MN 56560
Phone: (218) 299-5006
Fax: (218) 299-5195
Clearwater Clearwater County Auditor-Treasurer
213 Main Ave N, Dept 202
Bagley, MN 56621-8304
Phone: (218) 694-6520
Fax: (218) 694-6244
Cook Cook County Courthouse
411 W 2nd St
Grand Marais, MN 55604-1150
Phone: (218) 387-3640
Fax: (218) 387-3043
Cottonwood Cottonwood County Courthouse
900 3rd Ave
Windom, MN 56101-1645
Phone: (507) 831-1342
Crow Wing Crow Wing County Elections
326 Laurel St, Historic Courthouse, Ste 22
Brainerd, MN 56401-3590
Phone: (218) 824-1051
Fax: (218) 824-1301
Dakota Dakota County Elections
1590 Highway 55, Ste 2300
Hastings, MN 55033-2380
Phone: (651) 438-4305
Fax: (651) 438-4391
Dodge Dodge County Elections
721 Main Street N, Dept 45
Mantorville, MN 55955-2204
Phone: (507) 635-6233
Fax: (507) 635-6265
Douglas Douglas County Auditor/Treasurer
821 Cedar St
Alexandria, MN 56308
Phone: (320) 762-3077
Fax: (320) 762-2389
Faribault Faribault County
415 N Main St, PO Box 130
Blue Earth, MN 56013-0130
Phone: (507) 526-6212
Fax: (507) 526-6290
Fillmore Fillmore County Auditor
101 Fillmore St, PO Box 627
Preston, MN 55965-0466
Phone: (507) 765-3811
Fax: (507) 765-2662
Freeborn Freeborn County Government Center
411 S Broadway
Albert Lea, MN 56007-1147
Phone: 507-377-5121
Fax: (507) 377-5175
Goodhue Goodhue County Government Center
509 W 5th St
Red Wing, MN 55066-0408
Phone: (651) 385-3040
Fax: (651) 267-4878
Grant Grant County Courthouse
10 2nd St NE
Elbow Lake, MN 56531-4400
Phone: (218) 685-8236
Fax: (218) 685-4521
Hennepin Hennepin County Gov't Center
300 S 6th St, M012
Minneapolis, MN 55487-0012
Phone: (612) 348-5151
Fax: (612) 348-2151
Houston Houston County Courthouse
304 S Marshall St, Rm 116
Caledonia, MN 55921-1330
Phone: (507) 725-5803
Fax: (507) 725-2647
Hubbard Hubbard County Courthouse
301 Court Ave
Park Rapids, MN 56470-1483
Phone: (218) 732-3196
Fax: (218) 732-3645
Isanti Isanti County Auditor-Treasurer's Office
555 18th Ave SW
Cambridge, MN 55008-9386
Phone: (763) 689-1644
Fax: (763) 689-8210
Itasca Itasca County Courthouse
123 NE 4th St
Grand Rapids, MN 55744-2600
Phone: (218) 327-2860
Fax: (218) 327-7426
Jackson Jackson County Courthouse
405 4th St, PO Box 226
Jackson, MN 56143-1529
Phone: (507) 847-2763
Fax: (507) 847-4718
Kanabec Kanabec County Courthouse
18 N Vine St, Ste 261-A
Mora, MN 55051-1351
Phone: (320) 679-6430
Fax: (320) 679-6431
Kandiyohi Kandiyohi County Office Bldg
400 Benson Ave SW
Willmar, MN 56201-0936
Phone: (320) 231-6202
Fax: (320) 231-6263
Kittson Kittson County Elections
410 5th St SE, Ste 212
Hallock, MN 56728-4141
Phone: (218) 843-2655
Fax: (218) 843-2656
Koochiching Koochiching County Courthouse
715 4th St
International Falls, MN 56649-2486
Phone: (218) 283-1112
Fax: (218) 283-1104
Lac Qui Parle Lac qui Parle County Auditor
600 6th St, Ste 6
Madison, MN 56256-1296
Phone: (320) 598-7444
Fax: (320) 598-3125
Lake Lake County Courthouse
601 3rd Ave
Two Harbors, MN 55616-1565
Phone: (218) 834-8315
Fax: (218) 834-8358
Lake of the Woods Lake of the Woods County Courthouse
206 8th Ave SE, Ste 260
Baudette, MN 56623-0808
Phone: (218) 634-2836
Fax: (218) 634-2509
Le Sueur Le Sueur County Courthouse
88 S Park Ave
Le Center, MN 56057-1600
Phone: (507) 357-2251
Fax: (507) 357-8628
Lincoln Lincoln County Courthouse
319 N Rebecca St
Ivanhoe, MN 56142-0029
Phone: (507) 694-1529
Fax: (507) 694-1198
Lyon Lyon County Government Center
607 W Main
Marshall, MN 56258-3099
Phone: (507) 537-6724
Fax: (507) 537-6091
Mahnomen Mahnomen County Courthouse
311 N Main St, PO Box 379
Mahnomen, MN 56557-0379
Phone: (218) 935-5669
Fax: (218) 936-5656
Marshall Marshall County Courthouse
208 E Colvin Ave, Ste 11
Warren, MN 56762-1697
Phone: 218-745-4851
Fax: 218-745-5089
Martin Martin County Elections
201 Lake Ave
Fairmont, MN 56031-1852
Phone: (507) 238-3211
Fax: (507) 238-3259
McLeod McLeod County
520 Chandler Avenue N
Glencoe, MN 55336-2200
Phone: (320) 864-1203
Fax: (320) 864-3268
Meeker Meeker County Courthouse
325 Sibley Ave N
Litchfield, MN 55355-2189
Phone: (320) 693-5212
Fax: (320) 693-5444
Mille Lacs Mille Lacs County Courthouse
635 2nd St SE
Milaca, MN 56353-1396
Phone: 320-983-8310
Fax: (320) 983-8336
Morrison Morrison County Courthouse
213 SE 1st Ave
Little Falls, MN 56345-3199
Phone: (320) 632-0132
Fax: (320) 632-0139
Mower Mower County Auditor Treasurer
201 1st St NE
Austin, MN 55912-3475
Phone: 507-434-2614
Phone: (507) 437-9535
Fax: (507) 434-2646
Murray Murray County Elections
2500 28th St, PO Box 57
Slayton, MN 56172-0057
Phone: (507) 836-1154
Fax: (507) 836-6114
Nicollet Nicollet County Govt Center
501 S Minnesota Ave
Saint Peter, MN 56082-0089
Phone: (507) 934-7806
Fax: (507) 931-0856
Nobles Nobles County Auditor-Treasurer
315 10th St, PO Box 757
Worthington, MN 56187-0757
Phone: (507) 295-5258
Fax: (507) 372-8390
Norman Norman County Courthouse
16 E 3rd Ave, PO Box 266
Ada, MN 56510-0266
Phone: (218) 784-5471
Fax: (218) 784-4531
Olmsted Olmsted County Elections
2122 Campus Dr. SE, Ste. 300
Rochester, MN 55904
Phone: (507) 328-7650
Fax: (507) 328-7640
Otter Tail Otter Tail County Government Services Center
510 Fir Ave W
Fergus Falls, MN 56537-1364
Phone: (218) 998-8040
Fax: (218) 998-8042
Pennington Pennington County Courthouse
101 Main Ave N, PO Box 616
Thief River Falls, MN 56701-0616
Phone: (218) 683-7000
Fax: (218) 683-7026
Pine Pine County Courthouse
635 Northridge Dr NW, Ste 240
Pine City, MN 55063-1694
Phone: (320) 591-1670
Fax: (320) 591-1671
Pipestone Pipestone County Courthouse
416 Hiawatha Ave S
Pipestone, MN 56164-0455
Phone: (507) 825-1140
Fax: (507) 825-6741
Polk Polk County Taxpayer Service Center
612 N Broadway, Ste 207
Crookston, MN 56716-1452
Phone: (218) 281-2554
Fax: (218) 281-3801
Pope Pope County Courthouse
130 E Minnesota Ave, Ste 218
Glenwood, MN 56334-4525
Phone: (320) 634-7706
Fax: (320) 634-3087
Ramsey Ramsey County Elections
90 W Plato Blvd, Ste 160, PO Box 64098
St. Paul, MN 55164-0098
Phone: (651) 266-2171
Fax: (651) 266-2177
Red Lake Red Lake County Auditor
124 Langevin Ave, PO Box 367
Red Lake Falls, MN 56750-0367
Phone: (218) 253-2598
Fax: (218) 253-4894
Redwood Redwood County Government Center
403 S Mill St, PO Box 130
Redwood Falls, MN 56283-0130
Phone: (507) 637-4013
Fax: (507) 637-1511
Renville Renville County Courthouse
500 E Depue Ave, Ste 202
Olivia, MN 56277-1396
Phone: (320) 523-2071
Fax: (320) 523-3679
Rice Rice County Elections
320 3rd St NW
Fairbault, MN 55021-6141
Phone: (507) 332-6104
Fax: (507) 333-3754
Rock Rock County Courthouse
204 Brown St E, PO Box 509
Luverne, MN 56156-0509
Phone: (507) 283-5060
Fax: (507) 283-1343
Roseau Roseau County Courthouse
606 5th Ave SW, Rm 160
Roseau, MN 56751-1477
Phone: (218) 463-1282
Fax: (218) 463-4283
Scott Scott County Elections
200 Fourth Ave W
Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone: (952) 496-8560
Fax: (952) 496-8174
Sherburne Sherburne County Auditor
13880 Business Center Dr NW
Elk River, MN 55330
Phone: (763) 765-4351
Fax: (763) 765-4400
Sibley Sibley County Auditor
400 Court Ave, PO Box 51
Gaylord, MN 55334-0171
Phone: (507) 237-4070
Fax: (507) 237-4358
St. Louis St. Louis County Auditor
100 N 5th Ave W, # 214
Duluth, MN 55802-1293
Phone: (218) 726-2385
Fax: (218) 725-5060
Stearns Stearns County Service Center
Attn: Elections 3301 County Road 138
Waite Park, MN 56387
Phone: (320) 656-3929
Fax: (320) 203-6960
Steele Steele County Auditor
630 Florence Ave
Owatonna, MN 55060-0890
Phone: (507) 444-7410
Fax: (507) 444-7470
Stevens Stevens County Auditor
400 Colorado Ave, Ste 303
Morris, MN 56267-0530
Phone: (320) 208-6570
Fax: (320) 589-2036
Swift Swift County Auditor
301 14th St N, PO Box 207
Benson, MN 56215-0288
Phone: (320) 843-4069
Fax: (320) 843-2275
Todd Todd County Historic Courthouse
215 1st Ave S, Ste 201
Long Prairie, MN 56347-1390
Phone: (320) 732-4414
Fax: (320) 732-4001
Traverse Traverse County Courthouse
702 2nd Ave N, PO Box 428
Wheaton, MN 56296-0428
Phone: (320) 422-7740
Fax: (320) 563-1601
Wabasha Wabasha County Auditor/Treasurer
625 Jefferson Ave
Wabasha, MN 55981-1594
Phone: (651) 565-2648
Fax: (651) 565-2774
Wadena Wadena County Courthouse
415 S Jefferson St
Wadena, MN 56482-1595
Phone: (218) 631-7792
Fax: (218) 631-7652
Waseca Waseca County Auditor
307 N State St, PO Box 47
Waseca, MN 56093-0047
Phone: (507) 835-0610
Fax: (507) 835-0633
Washington Washington County Government Center
14949 62nd St N - PO Box 6
Stillwater, MN 55082-0006
Phone: (651) 430-6175
Fax: 651-430-6790
Watonwan Watonwan County Courthouse
710 2nd Ave S, PO Box 518
Saint James, MN 56081-0518
Phone: (507) 375-1210
Fax: (507) 375-3547
Wilkin Wilkin County Courthouse
300 S 5th St, PO Box 409
Breckenridge, MN 56520-0409
Phone: (218) 643-7165
Fax: (218) 643-7169
Winona Winona County Auditor-Treasurer
202 Third St. W
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: (507) 457-8830
Fax: (507) 454-9368
Wright Wright County Government Center
3650 Braddock Avenue NE Suite 1400
Buffalo, MN 55313-1195
Phone: (763) 682-7692
Fax: (763) 682-7873
Yellow Medicine YMC Government Center
180 8th Ave
Granite Falls, MN 56241-1508
Phone: (320) 564-3132
Fax: (320) 564-0927