North Dakota

Upcoming Elections |
No Federal Elections Scheduled |
Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommended mailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.
Important information
- What is UOCAVA?
The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. UOCAVA citizens are U.S. citizens who are active members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family members and other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The law provides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federal offices.
- What is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?
The FPCA (Federal Standard Form 76) allows UOCAVA citizens to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to update your contact information.
- What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?
The FWAB (Federal Standard Form 186) serves as an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your state in time to return it to your election official to participate in the election, use the FWAB.
- What is the Prepaid Mail Label 11- DoD?
Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for general election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to your election official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). Keep part of the tracking label to track your absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service.
- What is a primary election?
A primary election is an election held before the general election to determine the candidates that can be placed on the general election ballot.
- I am an American citizen, but I have never lived in the U.S., can I vote in this state?
A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S., and has a parent or legal guardian who was last a resident of North Dakota, is eligible to vote in North Dakota.
- I am a National Guardsman activated on state orders; does my state afford me UOCAVA privileges?
- How can I check the status of my ballot?
You can check the status of your absentee ballot here: - Does my state have any online tools?
You can see if your state has any online tools available here:
Registering and requesting your absentee ballot
Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) requests absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. Be sure to complete a new FPCA each year and every time your address changes.
Complete the following sections of the FPCA
Section 1 |
Select the category that best describes you. |
Section 2 |
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are eligible to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence. |
Section 3 |
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information. |
Section 4 |
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number. |
Section 5 |
A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax." |
Section 6 |
Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots. |
Section 7 |
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required. |
- Section 1
Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If your ID (below) is under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide one of the following: your North Dakota-issued ID number, Tribal ID number, Military ID number, or passport number. - Section 2
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are eligible to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.
- Section 3
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.
- Section 4
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.
- Section 5
A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax."
B. Political party is not required. - Section 6
Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
- Section 7
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.
How and where to submit your FPCA
You can submit the FPCA by mail, email, or fax. Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at
Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Mail your FPCA directly to your election official.
Email your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Scan the signed FPCA into your computer. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet." Email this package directly to your election official.
Fax your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Fax your FPCA directly to your election official. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet."
To find out the status of your FPCA, contact your election official. Your election official will contact you if your FPCA is not accepted.
Voting your ballot
Once you receive your absentee ballot from your state it must be returned according to the deadlines and requirements in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart. For special federal elections, visit for specific deadlines.
You can submit the state absentee ballot by mail, email or online, or fax.
Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.
Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section.
Haven't received your ballot? Use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot
The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) can be used as a ballot request. If you are using the FWAB as a ballot request, it must be received by the request deadline listed in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.
You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, state and local elections, including ballot measures.
Complete the following sections of the FWAB's voter information page
Section 1 |
Select the category that best describes you. |
Section 2 |
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are eligible to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence. |
Section 3 |
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information. |
Section 4 |
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number. |
Section 5 |
A. Check "Yes" if you would like to request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No." |
Section 6 |
Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots. |
Section 7 |
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required. |
- Section 1
Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If your ID (below) is under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide one of the following: your North Dakota-issued ID number, Tribal ID number, Military ID number, or passport number. - Section 2
Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are eligible to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.
- Section 3
Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.
- Section 4
Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.
- Section 5
A. Check "Yes" if you would like to request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax."
C. Political party is not required. - Section 6
Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
- Section 7
Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.
Vote your FWAB
To vote, write in either a candidate's name or political party for each office. You are not required to make a selection for each and every contest.
How and where to submit your FWAB
You can submit the FWAB by mail, email, or fax. Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at
Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fold along the dotted line and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot", do not write on the "Official Ballot" envelope. Insert the sealed "Official Ballot" envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your election official.
Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section or online at
Email your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Scan the signed "Voter Information" page, the "Official Backup Ballot" and the "Transmission Cover Sheet", found at the end of Chapter 1 or online at, into your computer. Be sure to also sign the secrecy waiver on the "Transmission Cover Sheet." Email this ballot package directly to your election official.
Fax your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fax the signed "Voter Information" page, the "Official Backup Ballot" and the "Transmission Cover Sheet", found at the end of Chapter 1 or online at, directly to your election official. Be sure to also sign the secrecy waiver on the "Transmission Cover Sheet."
See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the deadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the state absentee ballot after transmitting your voted FWAB, you may also vote and return the state absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline, only the state absentee ballot will be counted.
Local election offices for countySearch Offices
County | Mailing Address |
Adams | Adams County Auditor 602 Adams Ave, Ste 201 Hettinger, ND 58639 Phone: (701) 567-4363 Fax: (701) 567-2910 Email: |
Barnes | Barnes County Auditor 230 4th St NW, Rm 202 Valley City, ND 58072-2947 Phone: (701) 845-8500 x6666 Fax: (701) 845-8548 Email: |
Benson | Benson County Auditor P.O. Box 206 Minnewaukan, ND 58351-0206 Phone: (701) 473-5340 Fax: (701) 473-5571 Email: |
Billings | Billings County Auditor P.O. Box 168 Medora, ND 58645-0168 Phone: (701) 623-4377 Fax: (701) 623-4761 Email: |
Bottineau | Bottineau County Auditor 314 W 5th St, Ste 10 Bottineau, ND 58318-1268 Phone: (701) 228-2225 Fax: (701) 228-5181 Email: |
Bowman | Bowman County Auditor 104 1st St NW, Ste 1 Bowman, ND 58623-4342 Phone: (701) 523-3130 Fax: (701) 523-4899 Email: |
Burke | Burke County Auditor P.O. Box 310 Bowbells, ND 58721-0310 Phone: (701) 377-2861 Fax: (701) 377-2866 Email: |
Burleigh | Burleigh County Auditor P.O. Box 5518 Bismarck, ND 58506-5518 Phone: (701) 222-6718 Fax: (701) 222-7528 Email: |
Cass | Cass County Auditor P.O. Box 2806 Fargo, ND 58108-2806 Phone: (701) 241-5600 Fax: (701) 241-5728 Email: |
Cavalier | Cavalier County Auditor 901 3rd St, Ste 15 Langdon, ND 58249-2457 Phone: (701) 256-2229 Fax: (701) 256-2546 Email: |
Dickey | Dickey County Auditor P.O. Box 215 Ellendale, ND 58436-0215 Phone: (701) 349-8303 Fax: (701) 349-4639 Email: |
Divide | Divide County Auditor P.O. Box 49 Crosby, ND 58730-0049 Phone: (701) 965-6351 Email: |
Dunn | Dunn County Auditor 205 Owens St Manning, ND 58642-0105 Phone: (701) 573-4448 Fax: (701) 573-4323 Email: |
Eddy | Eddy County Auditor 524 Central Ave, Ste 201 New Rockford, ND 58356-1652 Phone: (701) 947-2434 x2020 Fax: (701) 947-2279 Email: |
Emmons | Emmons County Auditor P.O. Box 129 Linton, ND 58552-0129 Phone: (701) 254-4807 Fax: (701) 254-4012 Email: |
Foster | Foster County Auditor P.O. Box 104 Carrington, ND 58421-0104 Phone: (701) 652-2441 Fax: (701) 652-2173 Email: |
Golden Valley | Golden Valley County Auditor P.O. Box 67 Beach, ND 58621-0067 Phone: (701) 872-4331 Fax: (701) 872-4383 Email: |
Grand Forks | Grand Forks County Auditor P.O. Box 5726 Grand Forks, ND 58206-5726 Phone: (701) 780-8200 Fax: (701) 780-8207 Email: |
Grant | Grant County Auditor P.O. Box 227 Carson, ND 58529-0227 Phone: (701) 622-3275 Fax: (701) 622-3005 Email: |
Griggs | Griggs County Auditor P.O. Box 511 Cooperstown, ND 58425-0511 Phone: (701) 797-3117 Fax: (701) 797-3587 Email: |
Hettinger | Hettinger County Auditor 336 Pacific Avenue Mott, ND 58646 Phone: (701) 824-2515 Fax: (701) 824-2717 Email: |
Kidder | Kidder County Auditor P.O. Box 167 Steele, ND 58482-0167 Phone: (701) 475-4547 Fax: (701) 475-2202 Email: |
LaMoure | LaMoure County Auditor P.O. Box 128 LaMoure, ND 58458-0128 Phone: (701) 883-6040 Fax: (701) 883-4514 Email: |
Logan | Logan County Auditor 301 Broadway Napoleon, ND 58561-7010 Phone: (701) 754-2425 Fax: (701) 754-2282 Email: |
McHenry | McHenry County Auditor 407 Main St S, Rm 201 Towner, ND 58788-4048 Phone: (701) 537-5724 Fax: (701) 537-5969 Email: |
McIntosh | McIntosh County Auditor P.O. Box 39 Ashley, ND 58413-0039 Phone: (701) 288-5141 Fax: (701) 288-3671 Email: |
McKenzie | McKenzie County Auditor 201 5th St NW, Ste 543 Watford City, ND 58854 Phone: (701) 444-3616 Fax: (701) 444-4113 Email: |
McLean | McLean County Auditor P.O. Box 1108 Washburn, ND 58577 Phone: (701) 462-8541 x825 Fax: (701) 462-3542 Email: |
Mercer | Mercer County Auditor P.O. Box 39 Stanton, ND 58571-0039 Phone: (701) 745-3292 Fax: (701) 745-3793 Email: |
Morton | Morton County Auditor 210 2nd Ave, NW Mandan, ND 58554-3158 Phone: (701) 667-3300 Fax: (701) 667-3380 Email: |
Mountrail | Mountrail County Auditor P.O. Box 69 Stanley, ND 58784-0069 Phone: (701) 628-2145 Fax: (701) 628-2276 Email: |
Nelson | Nelson County Auditor 210 B Ave W, Ste 201 Lakota, ND 58344-7410 Phone: (701) 247-2463 Fax: (701) 247-2754 Email: |
Oliver | Oliver County Auditor P.O. Box 188 Center, ND 58530-0188 Phone: (701) 794-8721 Fax: (701) 794-3476 Email: |
Pembina | Pembina County Auditor 301 Dakota St W, Unit 1 Cavalier, ND 58220-4100 Phone: (701) 265-4231 Fax: (701) 265-4876 Email: |
Pierce | Pierce County Auditor 240 2nd St SE, Ste 6 Rugby, ND 58368 Phone: (701) 776-5225 x2000 Fax: (701) 776-6942 Email: |
Ramsey | Ramsey County Auditor 524 4th Ave NE, Unit 6 Devils Lake, ND 58301-2490 Phone: (701) 662-7025 Fax: (701) 662-7049 Email: |
Ransom | Ransom County Auditor P.O. Box 668 Lisbon, ND 58054-0668 Phone: (701) 683-6113 Fax: (701) 683-5827 Email: |
Renville | Renville County Auditor P.O. Box 68 Mohall, ND 58761-0068 Phone: (701) 756-6301 Fax: (701) 756-7158 Email: |
Richland | Richland County Auditor 418 2nd Ave N Wahpeton, ND 58075-4400 Phone: (701) 642-7700 Fax: (701) 642-7701 Email: |
Rolette | Rolette County Auditor P.O. Box 939 Rolla, ND 58367-0939 Phone: (701) 477-5665 Fax: (701) 477-6339 Email: |
Sargent | Sargent County Auditor 355 Main St S, Ste 1 Forman, ND 58032-4149 Phone: (701) 724-6241 x101 Fax: (701) 724-6244 Email: |
Sheridan | Sheridan County Auditor P.O. Box 439 McClusky, ND 58463-0439 Phone: (701) 363-2205 Fax: (701) 363-2953 Email: |
Sioux | Sioux County Auditor P.O. Box L Fort Yates, ND 58538 Phone: (701) 854-3481 Fax: (701) 854-3854 Email: |
Slope | Slope County Auditor 206 Main St. Amidon, ND 58620-0449 Phone: (701) 879-6276 Fax: (701) 879-6278 Email: |
Stark | Stark County Auditor P.O. Box 130 Dickinson, ND 58602-0130 Phone: (701) 456-7630 Fax: (701) 456-7634 Email: |
Steele | Steele County Auditor P.O. Box 275 Finley, ND 58230-0275 Phone: (701) 524-2110 Fax: (701) 524-1715 Email: |
Stutsman | Stutsman County Auditor 511 2nd Ave SE, Rm 102 Jamestown, ND 58401-4298 Phone: (701) 252-9035 Fax: (701) 251-6310 Email: |
Towner | Towner County Auditor P.O. Box 603 Cando, ND 58324-0603 Phone: (701) 968-4340 x1 Fax: (701) 968-4342 Email: |
Traill | Traill County Auditor P.O. Box 429 Hillsboro, ND 58045-0429 Phone: (701) 636-4458 Fax: (701) 636-5418 Email: |
Walsh | Walsh County Audior 600 Cooper Ave Grafton, ND 58237-1535 Phone: (701) 352-2851 Fax: (701) 352-3340 Email: |
Ward | Ward County Auditor P.O. Box 5005 Minot, ND 58702-5005 Phone: (701) 857-6420 Fax: (701) 857-6424 Email: |
Wells | Wells County Auditor 700 Railway St. N #37 Fessenden, ND 58438 Phone: (701) 547-3521 Fax: (701) 547-3719 Email: |
Williams | Williams County Auditor P.O. Box 2047 Williston, ND 58802-2047 Phone: (701) 577-4500 Fax: (701) 577-4510 Email: |