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Federal Election Deadlines

State Primary August 13, 2024 General Election November 5, 2024
Registration Received by August 13, 2024 Received by November 5, 2024
Ballot Request Sent by 5 PM, August 12, 2024 Sent by 5 PM, November 4, 2024
Ballot Return Received by August 13, 2024 Received by November 5, 2024

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommended mailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information

What is UOCAVA?

The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. UOCAVA citizens are U.S. citizens who are active members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family members and other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The law provides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federal offices.

What is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?

The FPCA (Federal Standard Form 76) allows UOCAVA citizens to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to update your contact information.

What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FWAB (Federal Standard Form 186) serves as an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your state in time to return it to your election official to participate in the election, use the FWAB.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label 11- DoD?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for general election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to your election official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). Keep part of the tracking label to track your absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service.

What is a primary election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election to determine the candidates that can be placed on the general election ballot.

I am an American citizen, but I have never lived in the U.S., can I vote in this state?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legal guardian who was last domiciled in Vermont, is eligible to vote in Vermont.

I am a National Guardsman activated on state orders; does my state afford me UOCAVA privileges?


How can I check the status of my ballot?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

Does my state have any online tools?

You can see if your state has any online tools available here:

Registering and requesting your absentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. Be sure to complete a new FPCA each year and every time your address changes.

Complete the following sections of the FPCA

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Vermont-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number or Vermont-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax".
B. Political party is only required for the Presidential Primary Election.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
If you have never registered before in Vermont, you must take a self-administered oath, or it may be administered by anyone over the age of 18. The Vermont voter's oath is:
"You solemnly swear (or affirm) that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person."
Once you have read the Voter's Oath, use the space provided in Section 6 to write the following: "I swear or affirm that I have taken the VT Voter's Oath."

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Vermont-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number or Vermont-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax".
B. Political party is only required for the Presidential Primary Election.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
If you have never registered before in Vermont, you must take a self-administered oath, or it may be administered by anyone over the age of 18. The Vermont voter's oath is:
"You solemnly swear (or affirm) that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person."
Once you have read the Voter's Oath, use the space provided in Section 6 to write the following: "I swear or affirm that I have taken the VT Voter's Oath."

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

How and where to submit your FPCA

You must mail or email your signed FPCA to your election official. Addresses can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Mail your FPCA directly to your election official.

Email your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Scan the signed FPCA into your computer. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet". Email this package directly to your election official.

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact your election official. Your election official will contact you if your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from your state it must be returned according to the deadlines and requirements in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart. For special federal elections, visit for specific deadlines.

The state absentee ballot must be mailed to your election official. The address of your election official can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot? Use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot

The Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) can be used to register to vote. If you are using the FWAB to register, it must be received by the registration deadline listed in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections for federal, state and local offices, including ballot measures.

Complete the following sections of the FWAB's voter information page

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Vermont-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number or Vermont-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax . If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.

Section 5

A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax".
C. Political party is only required for Presidential Primary Elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
If you have never registered before in Vermont, you must take a self-administered oath, or it may be administered by anyone over the age of 18. The Vermont voter's oath is:
"You solemnly swear (or affirm) that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person."
Once you have read the Voter's Oath, use the space provided in Section 6 to write the following: "I swear or affirm that I have taken the VT Voter's Oath."

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your Vermont-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers, you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number or Vermont-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. You cannot use a post office box mailing address. If your address is a rural route, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax . If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email or online, or fax, you must provide your email address or fax number.

Section 5

A. Check "Yes" if you would like to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot, otherwise check "No."
B. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail", "email or online", or "fax".
C. Political party is only required for Presidential Primary Elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.
If you have never registered before in Vermont, you must take a self-administered oath, or it may be administered by anyone over the age of 18. The Vermont voter's oath is:
"You solemnly swear (or affirm) that whenever you give your vote or suffrage, touching any matter that concerns the State of Vermont, you will do it so as in your conscience you shall judge will most conduce to the best good of the same, as established by the Constitution, without fear or favor of any person."
Once you have read the Voter's Oath, use the space provided in Section 6 to write the following: "I swear or affirm that I have taken the VT Voter's Oath."

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name or political party for each office. You are not required to make a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB must be mailed to your election official. Addresses can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB (Hardcopy Instructions): Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fold along the dotted line and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot", do not write on the "Official Ballot" envelope. Insert the sealed "Official Ballot" envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

Mail your FWAB (Printed PDF Instructions): If you are using a printed version of the FWAB you will need two envelopes for your ballot to be accepted by Vermont. One envelope must be marked "Official Ballot" envelope and the other envelope will be used as the mailing envelope. Place and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot" into the envelope marked "Official Ballot". Then place that envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the deadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the state absentee ballot after transmitting your voted FWAB, you may also vote and return the state absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline, only the state absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for citySearch Offices

City Mailing Address
Addison Addison Town Clerk
65 VT Route 17 W.
Addison, VT 05491
Phone: 802-759-2020
Fax: 802-759-2233
Albany Albany Town Clerk
P.O. Box 284
Albany, VT 05820
Phone: 802-755-6100
Alburgh Alburgh Town Clerk
1 North Main Street, Ste 1
Alburgh, VT 05440
Phone: 802-796-3468
Fax: 802-796-3939
Andover Andover Town Clerk
953 Weston-Andover Road
Andover, VT 05143
Phone: 802-875-2765
Arlington Arlington Town Clerk
P.O. Box 304
Arlington, VT 05250
Phone: 802-375-2332
Fax: 802-375-2332
Athens Athens Town Clerk
25 Brookline Road
Athens, VT 05143
Phone: 802-869-3370
Fax: 802-869-3370
Bakersfield Bakersfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 203
Bakersfield, VT 05441
Phone: 802-827-4495
Fax: 802-827-3106
Baltimore Baltimore Town Clerk
1902 Baltimore Road
Baltimore, VT 05143
Phone: 802-263-5274
Fax: 802-263-5274
Barnard Barnard Town Clerk
P.O. Box 274
Barnard, VT 05031-0274
Phone: 802-234-9211
Barnet Barnet Town Clerk
P.O. Box 15
Barnet, VT 05821
Phone: 802-633-2256
Fax: 802-633-4315
Barre City Barre City Clerk
P.O. Box 418
Barre, VT 05641
Phone: 802-476-0242
Fax: 802-476-0264
Barre Town Barre Town Clerk
P.O. Box 124
Websterville, VT 05678
Phone: 802-479-9391
Fax: 802-479-9332
Barton Barton Town Clerk
34 Main Street
Barton, VT 05822
Phone: 802-525-6222
Fax: 802-525-8856
Belvidere Belvidere Town Clerk
3996 VT RT 109
Belvidere, VT 05442
Phone: 802-644-6621
Fax: 802-644-8900
Bennington Bennington Town Clerk
P.O. Box 409
Bennington, VT 05201
Phone: 802 442-1043
Fax: 802 442-1068
Benson Benson Town Clerk
2760 Stage Road
Benson, VT 05731
Phone: 802-537-2611
Fax: 802-537-2612
Berkshire Berkshire Town Clerk
4454 Watertower Road
Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
Phone: 802-933-2335
Fax: 802-933-5913
Berlin Berlin Town Clerk
108 Shed Road
Berlin, VT 05602
Phone: 802-229-9298
Fax: 802-229-9530
Bethel Bethel Town Clerk
P.O. Box 404
Bethel, VT 05032
Phone: 802-234-9722
Fax: 802-234-6840
Bloomfield Bloomfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 336
N Stratford, VT 03590
Phone: 802-962-5191
Fax: 802-962-5191
Bolton Bolton Town Clerk
3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-434-5075
Fax: 802-434-6404
Bradford Bradford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 339
Bradford, VT 05033
Phone: 802 222-4727
Fax: 802 222-3520
Braintree Braintree Town Clerk
932 VT Route 12A
Braintree, VT 05060
Phone: 802-728-9787 x3
Fax: 802-728-9742
Brandon Brandon Town Clerk
49 Center Street
Brandon, VT 05733
Phone: 802-247-3635
Fax: 802-247-5481
Brattleboro Brattleboro Town Clerk
230 Main Street, Suite 108
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Phone: 802-251-8157
Fax: 802-257-2312
Bridgewater Bridgewater Town Clerk
45 Southgate Loop
Bridgewater, VT 05034
Phone: 802-672-3334
Fax: 802-672-5395
Bridport Bridport Town Clerk
P.O. Box 27
Bridport, VT 05734
Phone: 802-758-2483
Brighton Brighton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 377
Island Pond, VT 05846
Phone: 802-723-4405
Fax: 802-723-4405
Bristol Bristol Town Clerk
P.O. Box 249
Bristol, VT 05443
Phone: 802-453-2410 x5
Fax: 802-453-5188
Brookfield Brookfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 463
Brookfield, VT 05036
Phone: 802-276-3352
Fax: 802-276-3926
Brookline Brookline Town Clerk
P.O. Box 403
Brookline, VT 05345
Phone: 802-365-4648
Fax: 802-365-4092
Brownington Brownington Town Clerk
622 Schoolhouse Road
Brownington, VT 05860
Phone: 802-754-8401
Fax: 802-754-8401
Brunswick Brunswick Town Clerk
994 VT Route 102
Brunswick, VT 05905
Phone: 802-962-5514
Fax: 802-962-5522
Burke Burke Town Clerk
212 School St
West Burke, VT 05871
Phone: 802-467-3717
Fax: 802-367-8623
Burlington Burlington City Clerk
149 Church Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Phone: 802-865-7000
Fax: 802-865-7014
Cabot Cabot Town Clerk
P.O. Box 36
Cabot, VT 05647
Phone: 802-563-2279
Fax: 802-563-2423
Calais Calais Town Clerk
3120 Pekin Brook Road
East Calais, VT 05650
Phone: 802-456-8720
Cambridge Cambridge Town Clerk
P.O. Box 127
Jeffersonville, VT 05464
Phone: 802-644-2251
Canaan Canaan Town Clerk
P.O. Box 159
Canaan, VT 05903
Phone: 802-266-3370
Fax: 802-266-8253
Castleton Castleton Town Clerk
263 VT Route 30 N
Bomosee, VT 05732
Phone: 802-468-5319 x201
Fax: 802-468-5482
Cavendish Cavendish Town Clerk
P.O. Box 126
Cavendish, VT 05142
Phone: 802-226-7291
Phone: 802-226-7292
Fax: 802-226-7290
Charleston Charleston Town Clerk
5063 VT Route 105
W Charleston, VT 05872
Phone: 802-895-2814
Fax: 802-895-2714
Charlotte Charlotte Town Clerk
P.O. Box 119
Charlotte, VT 05445
Phone: 802-425-3071
Fax: 802-425-4713
Chelsea Chelsea Town Clerk
P.O. Box 266
Chelsea, VT 05038
Phone: 802-685-4460
Fax: 802-625-2002
Chester Chester Town Clerk
P.O. Box 370
Chester, VT 05143
Phone: 802-875-2173
Fax: 802-875-2237
Chittenden Chittenden Town Clerk
P.O. Box 89
Chittenden, VT 05737
Phone: 802-483-6647
Fax: 802-483-2504
Clarendon Clarendon Town Clerk
P.O. Box 30
Clarendon, VT 05759
Phone: 802-775-4274
Fax: 802-775-4274
Colchester Colchester Town Clerk
781 Blakely Road
Colchester, VT 05446
Phone: 802 264-5520
Fax: 802 264-5503
Concord Concord Town Clerk
P.O. Box 317
Concord, VT 05824
Phone: 802-695-2220
Fax: 802-695-2552
Corinth Cornwall Town Clerk
2629 Route 30
Cornwall, VT 05753
Phone: 802-462-2775
Fax: 802-462-2606
Cornwall Coventry Town Clerk
P.O. Box 8
Coventry, VT 05825
Phone: 802-754-2288
Coventry Corinth Town Clerk
P.O. Box 461
Corinth, VT 05039
Phone: 802-439-5850
Fax: 802-439-9104
Craftsbury Craftsbury Town Clerk
P.O. Box 55
Craftsbury, VT 05826
Phone: 802-586-2823
Fax: 802-586-2323
Danby Danby Town Clerk
130 Brook Road
Danby, VT 05739
Phone: 802-293-5136
Fax: 802-293-5311
Danville Danville Town Clerk
P.O. Box 183
Danville, VT 05828
Phone: 802-684-3352
Fax: 802-684-9606
Derby Derby Town Clerk
124 Main Street
Derby, VT 05829
Phone: 802-766-4906
Fax: 802-766-2027
Dorset Dorset Town Clerk
P.O. Box 24
East Dorset, VT 05253
Phone: 802-362-1178 x2
Fax: 802-362-5156
Dover Dover Town Clerk
P.O. Box 527
West Dover, VT 05356
Phone: 802-464-5100 x2
Fax: 802 464 8721
Dummerston Dummerston Town Clerk
1523 Middle Road
E. Dummerston, VT 05346
Phone: 802-257-1496
Fax: 802-2574671
Duxbury Duxbury Town Clerk
5421 VT Route 100
Duxbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-244-6660
Fax: 802-244-5442
East Haven East Haven Town Clerk
P.O. Box 10
East Haven, VT 05837
Phone: 802-467-3772
East Montpelier East Montpelier Town Clerk
P.O. Box 157
E Montpelier, VT 05651
Phone: 802-223-3313 x201
Fax: 802-223-4467
Eden Eden Town Clerk
71 Old Schoolhouse Road
Eden Mills, VT 05653
Phone: 802-635-2528
Fax: 802-635-1724
Elmore Elmore Town Clerk
P.O. BOX 123
Lake Elmore, VT 05657
Phone: 802-888-2637
Enosburgh Enosburgh Town Clerk
P.O. BOX 465
Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
Phone: 802-933-4421
Fax: 802-933-4832
Essex Essex Town Clerk
81 Main Street
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Phone: 802-879-0413
Fax: 802-878-1353
Essex Junction Essex Junction City Clerk
2 Lincoln St.
Essex Junction, VT 05452
Phone: 802-878-6944
Fax: 802-878-6946
Fair Haven Fair Haven Town Clerk
5 North Park Place
Fair Haven, VT 05743
Phone: 802-265-3610 x4
Fax: 802-265-3176
Fairfax Fairfax Town Clerk
12 Buck Hollow Road.
Fairfax, VT 05454
Phone: 802-849-6111
Fax: 802-849-6276
Fairfield Fairfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 5
Fairfield, VT 05455
Phone: 802-827-3261
Fax: 802-827-3653
Fairlee Fairlee Town Clerk
75 Town Common Rd
Fairlee, VT 05045
Phone: 802-333-4363 x1
Fax: 802-333-9214
Fayston Fayston Town Clerk
866 N Fayston Road
Fayston, VT 05660
Phone: 802-496-2454
Ferrisburgh Ferrisburgh Town Clerk
3279 Route 7
Ferrisburgh, VT 05456
Phone: 802-877-3429
Fax: 802-877-6757
Fletcher Fletcher Town Clerk
33 Shaw Road.
Cambridge, VT 05444
Phone: 802-849-6616
Franklin Franklin Town Clerk
P.O. Box 82
Franklin, VT 05457
Phone: 802-285-2101
Fax: 802-285-2181
Georgia Georgia Town Clerk
47 Town Common Road North
St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802-524-3524
Fax: 802-524-3543
Glover Glover Town Clerk
51 Bean Hill
Glover, VT 05839
Phone: 802-525-6227
Fax: 802-525-4115
Goshen Goshen Town Clerk
50 Carlisle Hill Road
Goshen, VT 05733
Phone: 802-247-6455
Fax: 802-247-6740
Grafton Grafton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 180
Grafton, VT 05146
Phone: 802-843-2419
Fax: 802-843-6100
Granby Granby Town Clerk
9005 Granby Rd
Granby, VT 05840
Phone: 802-328-3611
Fax: 802-328-2200
Grand Isle Grand Isle Town Clerk
P.O. Box 49
Grand Isle, VT 05458
Phone: 802-372-8830
Fax: 802-372-8815
Granville Granville Town Clerk
P.O.Box 88
Granville, VT 05747
Phone: 802-767-4403
Greensboro Greensboro Town Clerk
P.O. Box 119
Greensboro, VT 05841
Phone: 802-533-2911
Fax: 802-533-2911
Groton Groton Town Clerk
1476 Scott Hwy
Groton, VT 05046
Phone: 802-584-3276
Fax: 802-584-3792
Guildhall Guildhall Town Clerk
P.O. Box 10
Guildhall, VT 05905
Phone: 802-676-3797
Fax: 802-676-3518
Guilford Guilford Town Clerk
236 School Road
Guilford, VT 05301
Phone: 802-254-6857 x107
Fax: 802-257-5764
Halifax Halifax Town Clerk
P.O. Box 127
W. Halifax, VT 05358
Phone: 802-368-7390
Fax: 802-368-7390
Hancock Hancock Town Clerk
P.O. Box 100
Hancock, VT 05748
Phone: 802-767-3660
Hardwick Hardwick Town Clerk
P.O. Box 523
Hardwick, VT 05843
Phone: 802-472-5971
Fax: 802-472-3108
Hartford Hartford Town Clerk
171 Bridge Street
White River Jct., VT 05001
Phone: 802-295-2785
Fax: 802-295-6382
Hartland Hartland Town Clerk
P.O. Box 349
Hartland, VT 05048
Phone: 802-436-2444
Fax: 802-436-2464
Highgate Highgate Town Clerk
P.O. Box 189
Highgate, VT 05459
Phone: 802-868-5002
Fax: 802-868-3064
Hinesburg Hinesburg Town Clerk
10632 Route. 116
Hinesburg, VT 05461
Phone: 802-482-2281 x1
Fax: 802-482-5404
Holland Holland Town Clerk
120 School Road
Derby Line, VT 05830
Phone: 802-895-4440
Fax: 802-895-4440
Hubbardton Hubbardton Town Clerk
1831 Monument Hill Road.
Castleton, VT 05735
Phone: 802-273-2951
Fax: 802-273-3729
Huntington Huntington Town Clerk
4930 Main Road
Huntington, VT 05462
Phone: 802-434-2032
Hyde Park Hyde Park Town Clerk
P.O. Box 98
Hyde Park, VT 05655-0098
Phone: 802-888-2300
Fax: 802-888-6878
Ira Ira Town Clerk
53 West Road
Ira, VT 05777
Phone: 802-235-2745
Fax: 802-235-1045
Irasburg Irasburg Town Clerk
P.O. Box 51
Irasburg, VT 05845
Phone: 802-754-2242
Fax: 802-754-2242
Isle La Motte Isle La Motte Town Clerk
P.O. Box 250
Isle La Motte, VT 05463
Phone: 802-928-3434
Fax: 802-928-3002
Jamaica Jamaica Town Clerk
P.O. Box 173
Jamaica, VT 05343
Phone: 802-874-4681
Fax: 802-874-4558
Jay Jay Town Clerk
1036 VT Route 242
Jay, VT 05859
Phone: 802-988-2996
Fax: 802-988-2995
Jericho Jericho Town Clerk
P.O. Box 67
Jericho, VT 05465
Phone: 802-899-4936 x1
Fax: 802-899-5549
Johnson Johnson Town Clerk
P.O. Box 383
Johnson, VT 05656
Phone: 802-635-2611
Fax: 802-635-2393
Killington Killington Town Clerk
P.O. Box 429
Killington, VT 05751
Phone: 802-422-3243
Fax: 802-422-3030
Kirby Kirby Town Clerk
346 Town Hall Road
Lyndonville, VT 05851
Phone: 802-626-9386
Fax: 802-626-9386
Landgrove Landgrove Town Clerk
88 Landgrove Road
Landgrove, VT 05148
Phone: 802-824-3716
Fax: 802-828-3716
Leicester Leicester Town Clerk
44 Schoolhouse Road
Leicester, VT 05733
Phone: 802-247-5961 x3
Fax: 802-247-6501
Lemington Lemington Town Clerk
2549 River Road, VT 102
Lemington, VT 05903
Phone: 802-277-4814
Fax: 802-277-4091
Lincoln Lincoln Town Clerk
62 Quaker Street
Lincoln, VT 05443
Phone: 802-453-2980
Fax: 802-453-2975
Londonderry Londonderry Town Clerk
100 Old School Street
S. Londonderry, VT 05155
Phone: 802-824-3356
Lowell Lowell Town Clerk
2170 VT Route. 100
Lowell, VT 05847
Phone: 802-744-6559
Fax: 802-744-2357
Ludlow Ludlow Town Clerk
P.O. Box 307
Ludlow, VT 05149
Phone: 802-228-3232
Fax: 802-228-8399
Lunenburg Lunenburg Town Clerk
P.O. Box 54
Lunenburg, VT 05906
Phone: 802 892 5959
Fax: 802 892 5100
Lyndon Lyndon Town Clerk
P.O Box 167
Lyndonville, VT 05851
Phone: 802-626-5785
Fax: 802-626-1265
Maidstone Maidstone Town Clerk
P.O. Box 118
Guildhall, VT 05905
Phone: 802 676-3210
Fax: 802 676-3607
Manchester Manchester Town Clerk
P.O. Box 830
Manchester Center, VT 05255
Phone: 802-362-1313 x1
Fax: 802-362-1314
Marlboro Marlboro Town Clerk
P.O. Box E
Marlboro, VT 05344
Phone: 802 254-2181
Marshfield Marshfield Town Clerk
122 School Street, Room 1
Marshfield, VT 05658
Phone: 802-426-3305
Fax: 802-426-3045
Mendon Mendon Town Clerk
2282 US Route 4
Mendon, VT 05701
Phone: 802-775-1662
Middlebury Middlebury Town Clerk
77 Main Street
Middlebury, VT 05753
Phone: 802-388-8100 x212
Middlesex Middlesex Town Clerk
5 Church Street
Middlesex, VT 05602
Phone: 802-223-5915
Fax: 802-223-1298
Middletown Springs Middletown Springs Town Clerk
P.O. Box 1232
Middletown Springs, VT 05757
Phone: 802-235-2220
Milton Milton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 18
Milton, VT 05468
Phone: 802-893-4111
Fax: 802-893-1005
Monkton Monkton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 12
Monkton, VT 05469
Phone: 802-453 3800
Fax: 802-453-5612
Montgomery Montgomery Town Clerk
P.O. Box 356
Montgomery Center, VT 05471
Phone: 802-326-4719
Fax: 802-326-5053
Montpelier Montpelier Town Clerk
39 Main Street - City Hall
Montpelier, VT 05602
Phone: 802-223-9500
Fax: 802-223-9523
Moretown Moretown Town Clerk
79 School Street
Moretown, VT 05660
Phone: 802-882-8218
Fax: 802-329-2221
Morgan Morgan Town Clerk
P.O. Box 45
Morgan, VT 05853
Phone: 802-895-2927
Fax: 802-895-4204
Morristown Morristown Town Clerk
P. O. Box 748
Morrisville, VT 05661
Phone: 802-888-6370
Fax: 802-888-6375
Mount Holly Mount Holly Town Clerk
P.O. Box 248
Mount Holly, VT 05758
Phone: 802-259-2391
Fax: 802-259-2635
Mount Tabor Mount Tabor Town Clerk
P.O. Box 245
Mount Tabor, VT 05739
Phone: 802-293-5282
New Haven New Haven Town Clerk
78 North Street
New Haven, VT 05472
Phone: 802-453-3516
Fax: 802-453-7552
Newark Newark Town Clerk
1336 Newark Street
Newark, VT 05871
Phone: 802-467-3336
Fax: 802-467-3336
Newbury Newbury Town Clerk
P.O. Box 126
Newbury, VT 05051
Phone: 802-866-5521
Fax: 802-866-5301
Newfane Newfane Town Clerk
P.O. Box 36
Newfane, VT 05345
Phone: 802-365-7772
Fax: 802-365-7692
Newport City Newport City Clerk
222 Main St
Newport, VT 05855
Phone: 802-334-2112
Fax: 802-334-5632
Newport Town Newport Town Clerk
P.O. Box 85
Newport Center, VT 05857
Phone: 802-334-6442
Fax: 802-334-6442
North Hero North Hero Town Clerk
P.O. Box 38
North Hero, VT 05474
Phone: 802-372-6926
Fax: 802-372-3806
Northfield Northfield Town Clerk
51 S Main Street
Northfield, VT 05663
Phone: 802-485-5421
Fax: 802-485-8426
Norton Norton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 33
Norton, VT 05907
Phone: 802-822-9935
Fax: 802-822-9965
Norwich Norwich Town Clerk
P.O. Box 376
Norwich, VT 05055
Phone: 802-649-1419 x103
Fax: 802-649-0123
Orange Orange Town Clerk
392 US RT 302
Orange, VT 05649
Phone: 802-479-2673
Fax: 802-479-2673
Orwell Orwell Town Clerk
P.O. Box 32
Orwell, VT 05760
Phone: 802-948-2032
Panton Panton Town Clerk
3176 Jersey Street
Panton, VT 05491
Phone: 802-475-2333
Fax: 802-475-2785
Pawlet Pawlet Town Clerk
P.O. Box 128
Pawlet, VT 05761
Phone: 802-325-3309
Fax: 802-325-6109
Peacham Peacham Town Clerk
P.O. Box 244
Peacham, VT 05862
Phone: 802-592-3218
Peru Peru Town Clerk
P.O. Box 127
Peru, VT 05152
Phone: 802-824-3065
Pittsfield Pittsfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 556
Pittsfield, VT 05762-0556
Phone: 802-746-8170
Fax: 802-746-8170
Pittsford Pittsford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 10
Pittsford, VT 05763
Phone: 802-483-6500 x13
Fax: 802-483-6612
Plainfield Plainfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 217
Plainfield, VT 05667
Phone: 802-454-8461
Plymouth Plymouth Town Clerk
68 Town Office Road
Plymouth, VT 05056
Phone: 802-672-3655
Fax: 802-672-5466
Pomfret Pomfret Town Clerk
5218 Pomfret Road
North Pomfret, VT 05053
Phone: 802-457-3861
Fax: 802-457-8180
Poultney Poultney Town Clerk
9 Main Street, Suite 2
Poultney, VT 05764
Phone: 802-287-5761
Fax: 802-287-5110
Pownal Pownal Town Clerk
P.O. Box 411
Pownal, VT 05261
Phone: 802-823-7757
Fax: 802-823-0116
Proctor Proctor Town Clerk
45 Main Street
Proctor, VT 05765
Phone: 802-459-3333 x10
Fax: 802-459-2356
Putney Putney Town Clerk
P.O. Box 233
Putney, VT 05346
Phone: 802-387-5862 x13
Fax: 802-387-4708
Randolph Randolph Town Clerk
7 Summer St., Drawer B
Randolph, VT 05060
Phone: 802-728-5433 x11
Fax: 802-728-5818
Reading Reading Town Clerk
P.O. Box 72
Reading, VT 05062
Phone: 802-484-7250
Fax: 802-484-0015
Readsboro Readsboro Town Clerk
P.O. Box 187
Readsboro, VT 05350
Phone: 802-423-5405
Fax: 802-423-5423
Richford Richford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 236
Richford, VT 05476
Phone: 802-848-7751
Fax: 802-848-7752
Richmond Richmond Town Clerk
P.O. Box 285
Richmond, VT 05477-0285
Phone: 802-434-2221
Fax: 802-329-2011
Ripton Ripton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 10
Ripton, VT 05766
Phone: 802-388-2266
Fax: 802-388-0012

Rochester Rochester Town Clerk
P.O Box 238
Rochester, VT 05767
Phone: 802-767-3631
Rockingham Rockingham Town Clerk
P.O. Box 339
Bellows Falls, VT 05101
Phone: 802-463-4336
Fax: 802-463-1228
Roxbury Roxbury Town Clerk
P.O. Box 53
Roxbury, VT 05669
Phone: 802-485-7840
Fax: 802-485-9160
Royalton Royalton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 680
S Royalton, VT 05068
Phone: 802-763-7207
Fax: 802-763-8064
Rupert Rupert Town Clerk
P.O. Box 140
West Rupert, VT 05776
Phone: 802-394-7728
Fax: 802-394-2524
Rutland City Rutland City Clerk
P.O. Box 969
Rutland, VT 05701
Phone: 802-774-7809
Fax: 802-773-1846
Rutland Town Rutland Town Clerk
181 Business Route 4
Center Rutland, VT 05736
Phone: 802-773-2528
Fax: 802-773-7295
Ryegate Ryegate Town Clerk
P.O. Box 332
Ryegate, VT 05042
Phone: 802-584-3880
Fax: 802-584-3880
Saint Albans City Saint Albans City Clerk
P.O. Box 867
St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802-524-1500
Fax: 802-524-1516
Saint Albans Town Saint Albans Town Clerk
P.O. Box 37
St. Albans Bay, VT 05481
Phone: 802-524-2415
Fax: 802-524-9609
Saint George Saint George Town Clerk
21 Barber Road
St. George, VT 05495
Phone: 802-482-5272
Fax: 802-482-5548
Saint Johnsbury Saint Johnsbury Town Clerk
51 Depot Square, Suite. 101
St Johnsbury, VT 05819
Phone: 802-748-4331 x1
Fax: 802-748-1267
Salisbury Salisbury Town Clerk
P.O.Box 66
Salisbury, VT 05769
Phone: 802-352-4228
Fax: 802-352-9832
Sandgate Sandgate Town Clerk
3266 Sandgate Road
Sandgate, VT 05250
Phone: 802-375-9075
Fax: 802-375-8350
Searsburg Searsburg Town Clerk
P.O. Box 157
Wilmington, VT 05363
Phone: 802-464-8081
Fax: 802-464-8081
Shaftsbury Shaftsbury Town Clerk
P.O. Box 409
Shaftsbury, VT 05262
Phone: 802-442-4038 x1
Fax: 802-442-0955
Sharon Sharon Town Clerk
P.O. Box 250
Sharon, VT 05065
Phone: 802-763-8268 x1
Fax: 802-763-7392
Sheffield Sheffield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 165
Sheffield, VT 05866
Phone: 802-626-8862
Fax: 802-626-0424
Shelburne Shelburne Town Clerk
P.O. Box 88
Shelburne, VT 05482
Phone: 802-985-5116
Fax: 802-985-9550
Sheldon Sheldon Town Clerk
1640 Main St
Sheldon, VT 05483-9714
Phone: 802-933-2524
Fax: 802-933-4951
Shoreham Shoreham Town Clerk
297 Main St
Shoreham, VT 05770
Phone: 802-897-5841
Fax: 802-897-2545
Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Town Clerk
9823 Cold River Road
Shrewsbury, VT 05738
Phone: 802-492-3511
Fax: 802-492-3511
South Burlington South Burlington Town Clerk
180 Market St.
S Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-846-4105
South Hero South Hero Town Clerk
P.O. Box 175
South Hero, VT 05486-0175
Phone: 802-372-5552
Springfield Springfield Town Clerk
96 Main Street
Springfield, VT 05156
Phone: 802-885-2104
Fax: 802-885-1617
Stamford Stamford Town Clerk
986 Main Road
Stamford, VT 05352
Phone: 802-694-1361
Fax: 802-694-1636
Stannard Stannard Town Clerk
P.O. Box 94
Greensboro Bend, VT 05842
Phone: 802-533-2577
Fax: 802-533-2577
Starksboro Starksboro Town Clerk
P.O. Box 91
Starksboro, VT 05487
Phone: 802-453-2639
Fax: 802-453-7293
Stockbridge Stockbridge Town Clerk
P.O. Box 39
Stockbridge, VT 05772
Phone: 802-746-8400
Fax: 802-746-8400
Stowe Stowe Town Clerk
P.O. Box 730
Stowe, VT 05672
Phone: 802-253-6133
Fax: 802-253-6143
Strafford Strafford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 27
Strafford, VT 05072
Phone: 802-765-4411
Fax: 802-765-9621
Stratton Stratton Town Clerk
9 West Jamaica Road.
Stratton, VT 05360
Phone: 802-896-6184
Fax: 802-896-6630
Sudbury Sudbury Town Clerk
36 Blacksmith Lane
Sudbury, VT 05733
Phone: 802-623-7296
Fax: 802-623-7296
Sunderland Sunderland Town Clerk
104 Mountain View Road.
Sunderland, VT 05250
Phone: 802-375-6106
Sutton Sutton Town Clerk
167 Underpass Road
Sutton, VT 05867
Phone: 802-467-3377
Fax: 802-467-1052
Swanton Swanton Town Clerk
P.O. Box 711
Swanton, VT 05488
Phone: 802-868-4421
Fax: 802-868-4957
Thetford Thetford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 126
Thetford Ctr, VT 05075
Phone: 802-785-2922
Tinmouth Tinmouth Town Clerk
515 North End Road
Tinmouth, VT 05773
Phone: 802-446-2498
Fax: 802-446-2498
Topsham Topsham Town Clerk
P.O. Box 69
Topsham, VT 05076
Phone: 802-439-5505
Fax: 802-439-5505
Townshend Townshend Town Clerk
P.O. Box 223
Townshend, VT 05353
Phone: 802-365-7300
Fax: 802-365-7309
Troy Troy Town Clerk
142 Main Street
North Troy, VT 05859
Phone: 802-988-2663
Fax: 802-988-4692
Tunbridge Tunbridge Town Clerk
P.O. Box 6
Tunbridge, VT 05077
Phone: 802-889-5521
Underhill Underhill Town Clerk
P.O. Box 120
Underhill, VT 05489
Phone: 802-899-4434 x1
Fax: 802-899-2137
Vergennes Vergennes Town Clerk
P.O. Box 35
Vergennes, VT 05491
Phone: 802-877-2841
Fax: 802-877-1160
Vernon Vernon Town Clerk
567 Governor Hunt Road
Vernon, VT 05354
Phone: 802-257-0292
Fax: 802-254-3561
Vershire Vershire Town Clerk
6894 VT RT 113
Vershire, VT 05079
Phone: 802-685-2227
Fax: 802 685 1113
Victory Victory Town Clerk
P.O. Box 609
North Concord, VT 05858
Phone: 802-328-2400
Waitsfield Waitsfield Town Clerk
4144 Main Street
Waitsfield, VT 05673
Phone: 802-496-2218 x3
Fax: 802-496-9284
Walden Walden Town Clerk
12 VT Route 215
West Danville, VT 05873
Phone: 802-563-2220
Fax: 802-563-3008
Wallingford Wallingford Town Clerk
75 School Street
Wallingford, VT 05773
Phone: 802-446-2336
Fax: 802-446-3174
Waltham Waltham Town Clerk
P.O. Box 175
Vergennes, VT 05491
Phone: 802-877-3641
Fax: 802-877-3641
Wardsboro Wardsboro Town Clerk
P.O. Box 48
Wardsboro, VT 05355
Phone: 802-896-6055
Fax: 802-896-1000
Warren Warren Town Clerk
P.O. Box 337
Warren, VT 05674
Phone: 802-496-2709
Fax: 802-496-2418
Washington Washington Town Clerk
2895 VT Route 110
Washington, VT 05675
Phone: 802-883-2218
Fax: 802-883-2218
Waterbury Waterbury Town Clerk
28 North Main Street, Suite. 1
Waterbury, VT 05676
Phone: 802-244-8447
Fax: 802-244-1014
Waterford Waterford Town Clerk
P.O. Box 56
Lower Waterford, VT 05848
Phone: 802-748-2122
Fax: 802-748-8196
Waterville Waterville Town Clerk
P.O. Box 31
Waterville, VT 05492
Phone: 802-644-8865
Weathersfield Weathersfield Town Clerk
P.O. Box 550
Ascutney, VT 05030
Phone: 802-674-9500
Fax: 802-674-2117
Wells Wells Town Clerk
P.O. Box 585
Wells, VT 05774
Phone: 802-645-0486
West Fairlee West Fairlee Town Clerk
870 VT. Rte. 113
West Fairlee, VT 05083
Phone: 802-333-9696
Fax: 802-333-9611
West Haven West Haven Town Clerk
2919 Main Road
West Haven, VT 05743
Phone: 802-265-4880
Fax: 802-265-3828
West Rutland West Rutland Town Clerk
35 Marble Street
West Rutland, VT 05777
Phone: 802-438-2204
Fax: 802-438-5133
West Windsor West Windsor Town Clerk
P.O. Box 6
Brownsville, VT 05037
Phone: 802-484-7212
Westfield Westfield Town Clerk
38 School St
Westfield, VT 05874
Phone: 802-744-2484
Fax: 802-744-6224
Westford Westford Town Clerk
1713 VT Route 128
Westford, VT 05494
Phone: 802-878-4587
Fax: 802-879-6503
Westminster Westminster Town Clerk
P.O. Box 147
Westminster, VT 05158
Phone: 802-722-4091
Fax: 802-722-9816
Westmore Westmore Town Clerk
54 Hinton Hill Road
Orleans, VT 05860
Phone: 802-525-3007
Fax: 802-525-1131
Weston Weston Town Clerk
P.O. Box 98
Weston, VT 05161
Phone: 802-824-6645
Fax: 802-824-4121
Weybridge Weybridge Town Clerk
1727 Quaker Village Road
Weybridge, VT 05752
Phone: 802-545-2450
Wheelock Wheelock Town Clerk
P.O. Box 1328
Lyndonville, VT 05851
Phone: 802 626-9094
Whiting Whiting Town Clerk
29 South Main Street
Whiting, VT 05778
Phone: 802-623-7813
Fax: 802-623-7815
Whitingham Whitingham Town Clerk
P.O. Box 529
Jacksonville, VT 05342
Phone: 802-368-7887
Fax: 802-368-7519
Williamstown Williamstown Town Clerk
P.O. Box 646
Williamstown, VT 05679
Phone: 802-433-5455
Fax: 802-433-2160
Williston Williston Town Clerk
7900 Williston Road
Williston, VT 05495
Phone: 802-878-5121
Fax: 802-764-1140
Wilmington Wilmington Town Clerk
P.O. Box 217
Wilmington, VT 05363
Phone: 802-464-5836
Windham Windham Town Clerk
5976 Windham Hill Road
Windham, VT 05359
Phone: 802-874-4211
Fax: 802-874-4144
Windsor Windsor Town Clerk
29 Union Street
Windsor, VT 05089
Phone: 802-674-5610
Fax: 802-674-1017
Winhall Winhall Town Clerk
115 VT Route. 30
Bondville, VT 05340
Phone: 802-297-2122
Fax: 802-297-2582
Winooski Winooski Town Clerk
27 West Allen St
Winooski, VT 05404
Phone: 802-655-6419
Fax: 802-655-6414
Wolcott Wolcott Town Clerk
P.O. Box 100
Wolcott, VT 05680
Phone: 802-888-2746
Fax: 802-888-2669
Woodbury Woodbury Town Clerk
P.O. Box 10
Woodbury, VT 05681
Phone: 802 456 7051
Fax: 802 456 8834
Woodford Woodford Town Clerk
1391 VT Route 9
Woodford, VT 05201
Phone: 802 442-4895
Fax: 802 442-4816
Woodstock Woodstock Town Clerk
31 The Green
Woodstock, VT 05091
Phone: 802-457-3611
Worcester Worcester Town Clerk
P.O. Box 161
Worcester, VT 05682
Phone: 802-223-6942
Fax: 802-229-5216