Metrics Training Webinar
Inputting metrics as a Voting Assistance Officer is required under federal law, 10 U.S. Code § 1566. As a VAO, your Service requires you to record metrics on how you assisted those in your unit, or at your installation with absentee voting. It is an IG inspectable item based on the law and Department of Defense Instruction 1000.04. The data are also reported to Congress and to the President. This means that reporting your metrics is very important to show that you and your Service are meeting the requirements and intent of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Your Service depends on you in making sure that it is doing what it needs to do, in order to provide voting assistance to military voters, their spouses and dependents, and also U.S. citizen civilians at overseas installations. Watch the below webinar to learn how! (Audio Only)