South Dakota

South Dakota

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Upcoming Elections

No Federal Elections Scheduled

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommended mailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information

What is UOCAVA?

The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act is commonly referred to as UOCAVA. UOCAVA citizens are U.S. citizens who are active members of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, the commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family members and other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The law provides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federal offices.

What is the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?

The FPCA (Federal Standard Form 76) allows UOCAVA citizens to register to vote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to update your contact information.

What is the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FWAB (Federal Standard Form 186) serves as an emergency backup ballot for UOCAVA citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your state in time to return it to your election official to participate in the election, use the FWAB.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label 11- DoD?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for general election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to your election official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). Keep part of the tracking label to track your absentee ballot through the U.S. Postal Service.

What is a primary election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election to determine the candidates that can be placed on the general election ballot.

What is a runoff election?

A runoff election is an election held if the state requires that a candidate receive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to a general election or take public office.

I am an American citizen, but I have never lived in the U.S., can I vote in this state?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S., and has a parent or spouse who was last domiciled in South Dakota, is eligible to vote in South Dakota as long as he or she has not registered or voted in another state.

I am a National Guardsman activated on state orders; does my state afford me UOCAVA privileges?


How can I check the status of my ballot?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

Does my state have any online tools?

You can see if your state has any online tools available here:

Registering and requesting your absentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. Be sure to complete a new FPCA each year and every time your address changes.

Complete the following sections of the FPCA

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your South Dakota driver's license number or South Dakota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number, South Dakota driver's license, or South Dakota-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. If your address is a rural route; if your residence address is a PO Box, rural box, or general delivery; or if you have no address, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
B. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party ballot you want to receive. Political party affiliation is not required if requesting an absentee ballot for general elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.
Your date of birth is required.
You must provide your South Dakota driver's license number or South Dakota-issued ID number or the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you do not have any of these numbers you must enter in Section 6: "I do not have a Social Security Number, South Dakota driver's license, or South Dakota-issued ID number."

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registering to vote and requesting an absentee ballot. If your address is a rural route; if your residence address is a PO Box, rural box, or general delivery; or if you have no address, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address, even if you are requesting your ballot by email or online, or fax. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FPCA. If you want to receive your absentee ballot by email, you must provide your email address.

Section 5

A. Select your preferred method of receiving your absentee ballot. You can choose to receive your absentee ballot by "mail" or "email or online."
B. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party ballot you want to receive. Political party affiliation is not required if requesting an absentee ballot for general elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist your election official in accepting this form. You can use this space to designate particular elections or the period you wish to receive ballots.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to register to vote, you must mail the form.

If you are already registered and are using the FPCA to request an absentee ballot, you can mail, email, or fax your signed form to your election official. Contact information can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Mail your FPCA directly to your local election official.

Email your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Scan the signed FPCA into your computer. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet." Email this package directly to your local election official.

Fax your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, sign and date the form. Fax your FPCA directly to your local election official. Be sure to also include the "Transmission Cover Sheet."

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact your local election official. Your local election official will contact you if your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from your state it must be returned according to the deadlines and requirements in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart. For special federal elections, visit for specific deadlines.

The state absentee ballot must be mailed to your local election official. The address of your local election official can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot? Use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot

You must be registered to vote and have already requested a state absentee ballot in order to use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB).

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following sections of the FWAB's voter information page

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registered to vote. If your address is a rural route; if your residence address is a PO Box, rural box, or general delivery; or if you have no address, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB.

Section 5

A. Do not check "Yes" or "No." The FWAB cannot be used for voter registration or as a ballot request.
B. If you want to register to vote, request a ballot, or receive voting materials, you must submit an FPCA to your election official.
C. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party primary in which you are voting. Political party affiliation is not required if voting an absentee ballot in general elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the local election official in accepting this form.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Section 1

Select the category that best describes you.
Enter your current name (Last, First). If you are registered under a different name, provide this information in the previous name area.

Section 2

Enter the complete street address of your voting residence where you are registered to vote. If your address is a rural route; if your residence address is a PO Box, rural box, or general delivery; or if you have no address, use Section 6 to describe the location of your voting residence.

Section 3

Enter your current mailing address. If you want your election materials sent to a different address or have a forwarding address, use the forwarding address space to provide this information.

Section 4

Your contact information is recommended so your election official can contact you if they need additional information from you in order to accept your FWAB.

Section 5

A. Do not check "Yes" or "No." The FWAB cannot be used for voter registration or as a ballot request.
B. If you want to register to vote, request a ballot, or receive voting materials, you must submit an FPCA to your election official.
C. To vote in primary elections, you must enter the name of the party primary in which you are voting. Political party affiliation is not required if voting an absentee ballot in general elections.

Section 6

Provide any information that may assist the local election official in accepting this form.

Section 7

Sign and date the form. No witness signature required.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name or political party for each office. You are not required to make a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB must be mailed to your local election official. Addresses can be found in the "Local Election Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, sign and date the "Voter Information" page. Fold along the dotted line and seal the completed "Official Backup Ballot", do not write on the "Official Ballot" envelope. Insert the sealed "Official Ballot" envelope and the "Voter Information" page into the mailing envelope and mail your FWAB directly to your local election official.

Overseas Uniformed Service members can request to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election ballot. Additional information about this label can be found in the "Important Information" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for the deadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the state absentee ballot after transmitting your voted FWAB, you may also vote and return the state absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline, only the state absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for countySearch Offices

County Mailing Address
Aurora Aurora County Auditor
PO Box 397
Plankinton, SD 57368-0397
Phone: (605) 942-7752
Fax: (605) 942-7746
Beadle Beadle County Auditor
450 3rd St. SW, Ste. 201
Huron, SD 57350
Phone: (605) 353-8400
Fax: (605) 353-8402
Bennett Bennett County Auditor
PO Box 460
Martin, SD 57551
Phone: (605) 685-6931
Fax: (605) 685-6311
Bon Homme Bon Homme County Auditor
PO Box 605
Tyndall, SD 57066-0605
Phone: (605) 589-4212
Fax: (605) 589-4202
Brookings Brookings County Auditor
520 3rd St., Ste. 100
Brookings, SD 57006
Phone: (605) 696-8250
Fax: (605) 696-8259
Brown Brown County Auditor
25 Market St., Ste. 1
Aberdeen, SD 57401-4293
Phone: (605) 626-7110
Fax: (605) 626-4010
Brule Brule County Auditor
300 S Courtland, Ste. 103
Chamberlain, SD 57325-1599
Phone: (605) 234-4430
Fax: (605) 234-4430
Buffalo Buffalo County Auditor
PO Box 146
Gann Valley, SD 57341-0146
Phone: (605) 293-3217
Fax: (605) 293-3240
Butte Butte County Auditor
117 5th Ave.
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Phone: (605) 723-1459
Fax: (605) 723-0057
Campbell Campbell County Auditor
PO Box 37
Mound City, SD 57646-0037
Phone: (605) 955-3366
Fax: (605) 955-3308
Charles Mix Charles Mix County Auditor
PO Box 70
Lake Andes, SD 57356
Phone: (605) 487-6000
Fax: (605) 487-7221
Clark Clark County Auditor
PO Box 294
Clark, SD 57225-0294
Phone: (605) 532-5921
Fax: (605) 532-5931
Clay Clay County Auditor
211 W. Main St., Ste. 200
Vermillion, SD 57069
Phone: (605) 677-7120
Fax: (605) 677-6970
Codington Codington County Auditor
14 First Ave. SE
Watertown, SD 57201-3611
Phone: (605) 882-6297
Fax: (605) 882-6288
Corson Corson County Auditor
PO Box 255
McIntosh, SD 57641-0255
Phone: (605) 273-4229
Fax: (605) 273-4233
Custer Custer County Auditor
420 Mt. Rushmore Rd.
Custer, SD 57730
Phone: (605) 673-8173
Davison Davison County Auditor
200 E 4th Ave.
Mitchell, SD 57301-2692
Phone: (605) 995-8608
Fax: (605) 995-8618
Day Day County Auditor
711 W 1st St.
Webster, SD 57274
Phone: (605) 345-9500
Fax: (605) 345-9515
Deuel Deuel County Auditor
PO Box 616
Clear Lake, SD 57226
Phone: (605) 874-2312
Fax: (605) 874-1306
Dewey Dewey County Auditor
PO Box 277
Timber Lake, SD 57656-0277
Phone: (605) 865-3672
Fax: (605) 865-3691
Douglas Douglas County Auditor
PO Box 159
Armour, SD 57313-0159
Phone: (605) 724-2423
Fax: (605) 724-2204
Edmunds Edmunds County Auditor
PO Box 97
Ipswich, SD 57451-0097
Phone: (605) 426-6762
Fax: (605) 426-6164
Fall River Fall River County Auditor
906 N River St.
Hot Springs, SD 57747-1398
Phone: (605) 745-5130
Fax: (605) 745-6835
Faulk Faulk County Auditor
PO Box 309
Faulkton, SD 57438-0309
Phone: (605) 598-6224
Fax: (605) 598-6680
Grant Grant County Auditor
210 E Fifth Ave.
Milbank, SD 57252-2499
Phone: (605) 432-6711
Gregory Gregory County Auditor
PO Box 437
Burke, SD 57523
Phone: (605) 775-2664
Fax: (605) 775-2596
Haakon Haakon County Auditor
PO Box 698
Philip, SD 57567
Phone: (605) 859-2800
Fax: (605) 859-2801
Hamlin Hamlin County Auditor
PO Box 237
Hayti, SD 57241-0237
Phone: (605) 783-3201
Fax: (605) 783-3201
Hand Hand County Auditor
415 West 1st Ave.
Miller, SD 57362-1346
Phone: (605) 853-2182
Hanson Hanson County Auditor
PO Box 500
Alexandria, SD 57311-0500
Phone: (605) 239-4714
Fax: (605) 239-4296
Harding Harding County Auditor
PO Box 26
Buffalo, SD 57720-0026
Phone: (605) 375-3313
Fax: (605) 375-3318
Hughes Hughes County Auditor
104 E. Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone: (605) 773-7451
Fax: (605) 773-7479
Hutchinson Hutchinson County Auditor
201 W Mentor St.
Olivet, SD 57052-2103
Phone: (605) 387-4212
Fax: (605) 387-4207
Hyde Hyde County Auditor
412 Commercial Ave. SE
Highmore, SD 57345
Phone: (605) 852-2519
Fax: (605) 852-3178
Jackson Jackson County Auditor
PO Box 280
Kadoka, SD 57543-0280
Phone: (605) 837-2422
Fax: (605) 837-2447
Jerauld Jerauld County Auditor
PO Box 422
Wessington Springs, SD 57382-0422
Phone: (605) 539-9301
Fax: (605) 539-9125
Jones Jones County Auditor
PO Box 307
Murdo, SD 57559
Phone: (605) 669-7100
Fax: (605) 669-7120
Kingsbury Kingsbury County Auditor
PO Box 196
De Smet, SD 57231
Phone: (605) 854-3832
Fax: (605) 854-3833
Lake Lake County Auditor
200 E Center St.
Madison, SD 57042-2941
Phone: (605) 256-7600
Fax: (605) 256-7622
Lawrence Lawrence County Auditor
PO Box F
Deadwood, SD 57732-0678
Phone: (605) 578-1941
Fax: (605) 578-1065
Lincoln Lincoln County Auditor
104 N Main, Ste. 110
Canton, SD 57013-1703
Phone: (605) 764-2581
Fax: (605) 764-0134
Lyman Lyman County Auditor
PO Box 38
Kennebec, SD 57544-0038
Phone: (605) 869-2247
Fax: (605) 869-2247
Marshall Marshall County Auditor
PO Box 130
Britton, SD 57430-0130
Phone: (605) 448-2401
Fax: (605) 448-2116
McCook McCook County Auditor
PO Box 190
Salem, SD 57058
Phone: (605) 425-2791
McPherson McPherson County Auditor
PO Box 390
Leola, SD 57456
Phone: (605) 439-3314
Fax: (605) 439-3394
Meade Meade County Auditor
1300 Sherman St., Ste. 126
Sturgis, SD 57785
Phone: (605) 347-2360
Fax: (605) 720-6624
Mellette Mellette County Auditor
PO Box C
White River, SD 57579-0403
Phone: (605) 259-3291
Fax: (605) 259-3194
Miner Miner County Auditor
PO Box 86
Howard, SD 57349-0086
Phone: (605) 772-4671
Fax: (605) 772-4203
Minnehaha Minnehaha County Auditor
415 N Dakota Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2465
Phone: (605) 367-4220
Fax: (605) 367-7409
Moody Moody County Auditor
101 E Pipestone Ave., Ste. D
Flandreau, SD 57028-0750
Phone: (605) 997-3161
Fax: (605) 997-9996
Oglala Lakota Oglala Lakota County Auditor
906 N River St.
Hot Springs, SD 57747-1398
Phone: (605) 745-5130
Fax: (605) 745-6835
Pennington Pennington County Auditor
130 Kansas City St., Ste. 230
Rapid City, SD 57701
Phone: (605) 394-2153
Fax: (605) 394-6840
Perkins Perkins County Auditor
PO Box 126
Bison, SD 57620-0126
Phone: (605) 244-5624
Fax: (605) 231-5560
Potter Potter County Auditor
201 S Exene
Gettysburg, SD 57442-1521
Phone: (605) 765-9408
Fax: (605) 765-2332
Roberts Roberts County Auditor
411 2nd Ave. E
Sisseton, SD 57262-1495
Phone: (605) 698-7336
Fax: (605) 698-4277
Sanborn Sanborn County Auditor
PO Box 7
Woonsocket, SD 57385-0007
Phone: (605) 796-4513
Fax: (605) 796-4509
Spink Spink County Auditor
210 E 7th Ave., Ste. 5
Redfield, SD 57469-1266
Phone: (605) 472-4580
Fax: (605) 472-4582
Stanley Stanley County Auditor
PO Box 595
Fort Pierre, SD 57532-0595
Phone: (605) 223-7780
Fax: (605) 223-7785
Sully Sully County Auditor
PO Box 265
Onida, SD 57564
Phone: (605) 258-2541
Fax: (605) 258-2884
Todd Todd County Auditor
200 E 3rd St.
Winner, SD 57580
Phone: (605) 842-3727
Fax: (605) 842-1116
Tripp Tripp County Auditor
200 East 3rd
Winner, SD 57580-1806
Phone: (605) 842-3727
Fax: (605) 842-1116
Turner Turner County Auditor
PO Box 370
Parker, SD 57053-0370
Phone: (605) 297-3153
Fax: (605) 297-5556
Union Union County Auditor
209 E Main St., Ste. 200
Elk Point, SD 57025-2327
Phone: (605) 356-2101
Fax: (605) 356-3047
Walworth Walworth County Auditor
PO Box 199
Selby, SD 57472-0199
Phone: (605) 649-7878
Fax: (605) 649-7867
Yankton Yankton County Auditor
321 W. 3rd St., Ste. 100
Yankton, SD 57078-4396
Phone: (605) 260-4436
Fax: (605) 260-4494
Ziebach Ziebach County Auditor
PO Box 68
Dupree, SD 57623-0068
Phone: (605) 365-5157
Fax: (605) 365-5203